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Kai's P.O.V

I lay in my bed on my side of the room that I somehow now have to share with that piece of shit over there.  I don't know why my mom had this bright idea that we would become "closer" if we just shared a room with one another. If anything, it only made it worse.

My phone lights up with a text with the name Chrissy Babe going across my screen. Heart emojis and kissy faces are all around it. I even have a picture of him looking like the sassy man he is. 

He hates terms of endearment for some odd friggin reason. Most couples like that shit. I smirk at this and continue to go on and unlock my screen to get to his long awaited text message. He isn't like most other people so it's not surprising.

Hahahahahahahaha! IKR! She's insane! But, whatever. I OWN you from the strands of your hair to the toes of your feet. You're aaaaaall mine. 

A couple kissy emoji faces are at the end causing me laugh out and quickly text him back with emojis of my own. There isn't any doubt left in my mind that I am so far gone in love with him. I want to tell him. I just don't know how.

As soon as I send off my reply I see Isaac fumbling around the room looking for his pair of pants causing me to scoff.  Where the hell would he be going? He has no friends. 

I continue to watch him put on his pants hurriedly, fix up his mangy-looking hair, and wrinkled shirt. Does he not even care about the way he looks? Euueh. 

"Where are you going stinky without taking a shower?"

"I took one earlier today!" He growls at me but I only smile. Maybe he found some chick that's into midgets. All he has been doing these past couple of weeks was leaving around this time and coming back smelling like chlorine. 

"Doesn't mean you can't take another one. Being a guy doesn't mean you have to smell like shit. I'm trying to help you out here. And God, don't try to mask it with cologne. It'll only make it worse. Oh, and your neck will taste like salt so I recommend you go hop in it now."

He glares daggers at me but it only causes me to shrug my shoulders and read another text message from Chrissy Babe. See Christian, this is what happens when I try to be nice. 

"Kai lay off me!"

"I'm off. I'm off. But just because I'm gay doesn't mean I don't know a thing or two about girls. They love it when guys smell good and they are just as much into guy's asses as we are. . .so you should do some squats." This causes him to roll his eyes and stare at me.

"I'm not meeting up with some girl." He walks out my room and slams the door behind him causing me to laugh a little. Attituuude. And I've been so nice to him. I get up after I hear the front door shut and go look out my window with a smirk.

I watch him walk past his car causing my smirk to turn into a frown. He makes his way across the street over to Christian's housing causing my eyes to narrow and my hands to bend the blinds. What the fuck? As soon as I see the door open I immediately grab my shoes and head straight out of my room. 

I rush down the stairs with nothing but beating his ass to a fucking pulp for going over my boyfriend's house! What the hell is he doing over there?! Before I can make it to the door I hear my mom call my name causing me to moan and close my eyes madly.


"Yeees, mother?" I ask with nothing but sarcasm.

"Come here."

"Mom, I can't right now. I have to-"

"Christian can wait. Come here." I bite down on my lip and follow her voice into the living room. She looks at me with a small smile before tugging down on my arm to sit me down. "Kai, honey. . ."

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now