A Dinner Party

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[A/N] I'm really starting to fall in love with this story ahah. Leave comments. Tell me what you love , hate or even suggestions!


" Kai! I am sick and tired of you coming home and seeing you drunk or passed out on my couch!!"

I rub my forehead absent-mindedly as her voice begins to give me an even bigger headache. God, like I even meant to come home drunk. She acts like I do it on purpose.

"Mooooom. Please stop yelling. . ."

" No. I will not stop yelling and I don't know who you think you're talking to!" She slams her coffee cup down on the counter and has a scowl set on her face. " I was just at a party. . .and I got a little drunk. . .I didn't do anything illegal."

" You are a minor Kai. A minor! You were grounded and you went out without my permission! You totally disregard my rules and act like everything is suppose to be ok!"

I moan out in pure pain at the headache she has given me. She turns on the lights making it even worse. " The lights-"

" I don't care if they are bothering you. I am so done with you Kai. All have done is disrespect me since your father left and I can't. . .I can't take it anymore. I raised you better than this Kai. . .I raised you better than this. . .yet you continue to bring home bad grades and be out of control. God only knows if you are doing drugs."

My eyes narrow as her words begin to sink in. " You can't be serious. You can't send me back to live with him."

" I'm at my breaking point."

" I'm sorry. . ."

" No you're not."

" I am mom. Just please don't send me to live with him. I won't get any better if he's doing the same things I am doing. He doesn't care about me. He can't even stand me. Why would you even want me there?!"

" Kai. . .your father does love you."

" No he doesn't!! And you know it! He never has!"

She starts to rub her forehead. " One more chance Kai. You have one more chance."

I get up before she can add on anymore punishments. " You're grounded. No one is allowed over and you're not allowed over there either. Do you understand?"

". . .Yes."

" Go upstairs. I'll bring you something for your hangover. "

I walk up the stairs and head to my room plopping on the bed. I was so drunk I didn't even know I passed out on the couch or even how I got back. I was somewhat fine. . .after pretty boy. . ." I groan painfully as my headache becomes worse.

My mom comes in the room and rubs my hair softly. " Here are some Ibuprofen pills. I honestly don't know how much you need. You're so big now. . . After you wake up, take a shower. Mrs. Adams invited us over for a family dinner."

My eyes narrow. " It's fucking Saturday. Who has a family dinner on a freakin Saturday?" She hits me in the head making me groan even louder. " No cursing. I left the water on the stand."

". . .Ok."

" And Kai."

". . .Yes?"

" I meant what I said. "

". . .ok." I say numbly back as she shuts my door. I quickly down 3 of the pills with some water and lay in my bed waiting for it's effects to kick in.


I look at myself in the mirror as I button up my plain white dress shirt. I purposely leave two unbuttoned. I don't want to look too much like a damn posh kid. I comb my hair back and style it in a way that is acceptable for a somewhat formal dinner still keeping my sense of style in tact.

" Just another neighbor trying to be nosy. . ."

" Kai."

" What? It's true."

I walk out the bathroom and head for the door as my mom opens it. " We have to be nice and I couldn't have possibly made an excuse for a Saturday."

" Just tell her you have a date with a woman. She'll leave you alone." She hits my shoulder and laughs while shaking your head. I couldn't help but laugh either. She seems like the close-minded type and would instantly stop talking to my mom once she knows about my preference. I can already see it now.

We walk across the street and see Mrs. Adams standing out there waving frantically over at us like we were going to miss her. We couldn't possibly miss a blue-eyed retired peagent star. She has plastic written all over her. " Hi Ms. Lyttetton. I'm glad you could make it. I've invited a few other neighbors to this little get together. I hope you don't mind."

" Ahah, of course not. I've been meaning to get out and meet with the neighbors but work has been so tiring. I'm so glad an opportunity like this had arrived." I roll my eyes at this. My mom's business voice makes it's appearance once again. She nudges me inside. I reluctantly walk in and I'm kind of stunned but not too surprised by what I see.

The walls are painted gold with intricate designs on each pillar and upper parts of the wall. Speckles of creme can be found around the walls every now again giving off the illusion that it is glittering. The couch is plush white as well the carpet. The tiling in the kitchen looks like each one cost 3,000 dollars a piece. There in the living room stands a 100 inch plasma screen t.v built into the wall making me whistle. That most have cost a very pretty penny. I stop looking around once I see pretty boy.

I stare at him for what seems like a century until he says something. He is really living up to his nickname today. . .

" So you're mom forced you to come too?"

I nod my head as I sit down on the couch. " Did you get caught?"

I nod my head once again as he laughs and shakes his head at the same time. " Karma's a bitch."

" Shut the fuck up. Who was in that bathroom with you while you were practically throwing up your guts hm? Not your fucking friends, I'll tell you that much."

He rolls his eyes at this. " I don't even remember a single fucking thing. " I bite down on my lip at this. So he was really that drunk huh. . . " We'll talk about it later." He says hurriedly as a couple kids our age comes and greets him. I remember one of them being named Adam. Ah, the shy kid.

He looks at me and I smile only for him to duck his head. That's right he's pretty boy's little friend. I stand up and wrap my arm around his neck making him sit right beside me. " You smell like chlorine." I say as I sniff his neck making him scoot warily away from me. " I'm a swimmer. . .I swim often."

" Swim team?"

He nods shly which I couldn't help but find adorable. I just want to adopt him and make him my little pet. I see pretty boy turn his head to look at us and snaps his head back as he continues to talk to the other three guests. Two of them are girls and the other one is a guy which looks to be a senior or junior in highschool.

I look him up and down shamlessly. He looks like he would have a nice body but his face. . .unless I have a paper bag then maybe it could work. Other than that. . . no. Hell no. " Aren't you the guy that .. . has dentention with Chrisitian?"

" Pretty boy? Yea. . .look I didn't get him in trouble you did."

He laughs a little at this. " I know."

Christian turns around after finishing talking to his friends and walks towards Adam and I. He shoves my arm from around him and sits in between us making my eyebrow raise. " Stop annoying him. He really dislikes people like you."

" Oh does he? He seemed just fine until you came and literally sat between us. Is it so wrong for me to want to make friends? You know. . .socialize?"

" Fuck you."

I put my hand to my heart trying to look appauled. " Well now, that is no way to treat your guests." He rolls his eyes. So it's back to this huh. . .? I get up and start to walk away and explore his house a little more. I try to go outside but he grabs my arm and makes me come upstairs with him. Adam follows us making me a little more than upset.


Christian's P.O.V

God this is too fucking soon to be seeing him after everything I did last night. I'm surprised he isn't acting funny around me. I was all over him. . .I shouldn't have been so drunk. . . I guess I should come clean to him and just get it over with.

I drag him into the hallway and let go of him while rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. " Look about last night. . ."

" I get it. You were drunk and whatever you did was out of pure drunkness." He says dully which makes me narrow my eyes at him. " Anything else?" He asks dryly.

" What the fuck is your problem?"

" I don't have a problem. I was just asking you a simple question, guess it wasn't simple enough."

" Adam can you go down stairs for a second? We'll be down in a minute."

". . .Ok."

I grab his hand again and make him go up another flight of stairs, drag him down a long hallway and practically fling him into my room. " Listen, I don't know what I did at the party to have you so fucking annoyed by me but I'm sorry if I did anything that night. "

He smirks at me taking me by complete surprise. " Do you remember Jake and Bryson. . ."

I try to recall a memory of them and as soon as I do my mouth instantly drops open. " I thought that was you in there!"

He laughs. " Yea I know. "

" God. . .I didn't know Jake uh. . .and that other kid I seen him around everyone now and again. He hangs around Alex a lot. I thought Adam liked him. . ."

" I wasn't surprised. . .It was just awkward to be honest. . ."

" You don't like gay guys?" I ask despite my feelings.

" What? No. I love gay guys and gay guys love me." He says as he gets closer and closer to me until I'm at the corner of my dresser. " Would you like to finish where we left off. . .?"

I blink at his question as my heart begins to beat rapidly. My lips instantly starts to part but I end up pushing him away from me. " Quit playing your stupid games with me Kai!"

" I'm not kidding." He says with so much seriousness my heart practically clenches. I look up at him warily as he puts his hand on either side of me. " I want you."

Does he just want to experiment with me? I have no fucking idea what has gotten into him. . .He can't be serious. . .he can't be gay. . . " Oh yea, so you can tell the entire school that you fucked me? I don't think so."

" I wouldn't do that. . ."

" I think you would. Hating someone can make you do things you never thought you could."

He laughs at this. " Ok. So lets say I don't dislike you as much as I thought. How does that sound?"

" Terrible."

He tucks his lips in his mouth then untucks them as he begins to smile. " Aren't you a little bit curious?"

" About what?"

" How it would feel. . .to have sex with another guy."

I knew it. He really does just want to experiment with me. " UH. NO." I push him out my way. " I don't do one night stands. "

" It doesn't have to be just one night." He adds in slyly.

" Fuck you."

He grabs my arm and smirks. " Gladly." I roll my eyes at this and look at him making me instantly want to take him up on that offer. . .but I know it's a bad idea. " Friends with Benefits. How about that?"

" We're not even friends." I say dully.

" Everyone has to start somewhere right?" An instant blush runs across my face. I know I'm overthinking things and unrealistic thoughts are coming into my head but. . .this sounds really close to someone asking me out. ". . .Just me and you. . ."

Really close.

I nod reluctantly once I begin to feel his lips on mine and before he can kiss me Adam walks in on us. I cover my lips with my hand while Kai tucks his hands behind his head with a smirk. ". . .Uh sorry I didn't mean to-"

" It's fine. We're friends afterall." I hear Kai say making me heat up again in a matter of seconds. " I was just telling him a secret. . .you didn't ruin anything."

" Your mom wants the both of you to come down for dinner." I feel his hands go on my back as he pushes me out the door. " We were just about to go down there." His hands make their way to my waist making me bite down on my lip. I know Adam is seeing all of this and he's probably wondering what the hell is going on.

3 spots are left out of 26 at the dinner table. 2 spots are side by side while the other one is directly across from one of the other chairs. Like I thought he would do, Adam takes my wrist and has me sit right beside him while Kai sits directly across from me.

Kai acts like. . .no nothing is bothering him. But I don't understand how this could not bother him. We just agreed to become sex partners in some weird, ambiguous kind of relationship. I'm blushing down to the tip of my toes excited and nervous all at the same time.

Adam tugs on my shirt. " What's going on?"

" Oh. ahahaha. . .nothing."

" Christian."

" What?"

" Tell me."

My moms voice chimes in and she begins to talk about how happy she to have everyone here. " I'm sorry my husband couldn't make it. . .he's never here these days but umm anyways I hope you enjoy this dinner I have cooked for you all and just enjoy yourselves."

Everyone begins to talk again giving me enough time to cool off and regain some of my lost composure. I begin putting mashed pototoes and gravy on my plate. As I subtly look up I see Kai pouring some gravy on his mashed potatoes and some of it gets on his finger. Slowly and deliberately he licks his finger making me instantly bite down on my lip and continue to shovel food onto my plate.

What have I just agreed to?

Adam grabs my attention again by tugging on my shirt. " Tell me."

" We snuck out to this party and he got caught. . .we were just talking about what happened there and how drunk each other was. . .some things were just flat out embarrassing. . ."

He smiles at this. " Oh by the way. . .you like a guy named Bryson right?" He stops smiling and eyeballs me. " Yea why?"

" He umm. . .he's messing around with Jake."

" What?!" He practically shouts causing everyone to stop talking. " I told him the Ravens lost ahaha." Everyone soon went back to eating. " Jake. . .Jake from the football team??"

I nod. He practically stabs his piece of ham as he tries to focus on eating. " Fuck it. I don't like him anymore."

" Adam he could be. . ." He pays me no mind as he tries really hard to tune me out. I feel someone kick my leg and I instantly look up and meet with Kai's eyes. I ignore him and try to talk Adam out of his bad mood. I feel his foot start to go up my leg making me let out a faint sound of pleasure. " Christian?"

"mm-What?" I try to focus back on Adam but Kai isn't seeming to let me. His foot makes it to my thigh causing another sound to come out of me. I look at Kai and he smirks. " Really Christian. . .what is going on between the two of you?"

". . .I just made a deal with the devil."

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now