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Kai's P.O.V

I press my nose against his neck. Soon both my arms wrap around his body as my lips brush against the back of his shoulders. He moves away only making me press my body further onto his back, causing him to wake up with a laugh.

"Kai..." he murmurs deep into my pillows. I kiss his neck until he shows me his face. "You're heavy..."

"Then wake up." I peck his cheek which makes him laugh again. "It's almost twelve." That causes him to pop his head up and then put it back slowly before groaning.

"Twelve...one... who cares?" I hear him mutter. His hands find their way inside my hair which makes me press deeper. "My parents won't be home until later today..." I go on and kiss around his ear which makes him stifle a sigh. He still smells like the cologne he was wearing last night. His skin tastes like sweat, but what can you expect...after last night. My fingers glide down his pecks to his board of abs liking the feel of them falling into the crevices.

"My head feels groggy..."

"Probably from all the wine you threw back." He lets out another sigh as my other hand lingers around his hips. I know he must be feeling sore. As gentle as I was trying to be...I was not as gentle as I could have been. However, I don't think he minded... "Or it could have been from me."

"I don't care about being a little sore. That's what the alcohol was for."

"You really thought this all through." I say unable stop grinning against his back. "How long have you been thinking about this?"

"The moment I first met you." I move away from him at his confession trying not to show how surprised I am by it. Soon, he turns on his back and sits up while eyeing me. "But, in the beginning, that's all you wanted from me."

"True enough. But now, I want so much more. I'm greedy like that." He laughs and I start to smile.

I go on and look him over and see all the love bites I left over his body. Some of them are so red, I know they won't be going away for weeks. It was pent up and suppressed. Even now some of it is suppressed. God, he really doesn't know what he does to me.

"Be greedy all you want. You can have more of me if you want," he teases while wrapping his arm around my neck. I see small, little glint in his eyes as I watch them go down my body. He bites down against his bottom lip trying to bite back a smile causing my eyes to squint.



Tell me."

"No," he sputters out laughing.


"It's not worth me telling you." A blush coats his face as he loses eye contact with me.

I touch my neck and feel bite marks and see some then feel some more love bites sprinkled throughout my body. It causes my mouth to fall and a bigger smirk to splay across my face.

"You bit me." I count for a couple of seconds before continuing. "Four times." He rolls his eyes trying to fight off a shy smile.

"You'll live."

I run my hand down the side of my back and feel the raised skin from the scratches causing me to lick my bottom lip in pure amusement and giddiness. He wanted me bad. My fingers come back with splotches of blood making my smirk worsen.

"It looks like I got attacked by an animal."

"Shut up."

"I was being nothing but gentle and you just manhandled me." My amusement shows through my voice causing him to roll over. "Here I thought you would like it gentle, but it seems like you like it..." I pause for a second until I get to his ear. "Rough."

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now