Kiss Me There

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Christian's P.O.V

He gives me a look. I can feel his cool hands skimming up my shirt causing a shudder to run through me. Soon, I find myself sinking into him wanting him to explore and discover more of my body. However, the next thing he does causes my eyes to widen.

He pushes me away.

"You're drunk."

"No, I'm not!"

"As titillating as this all sounds, I'm not going to take advantage of you while you're...incapacitated."

"Kai, I'm fine," I press struggling to stay on top of him.

"To bed you go." He picks me up with me ease and starts heading back into his room ignoring my reluctance. As soon as I feel his blanket on my back, I wrap my hand around his neck so he can't move away from me.

"So, I had a bit to drink...but it was just to relax me, Kai. I've-I've been thinking about this for a while now and..." His gaze is enough to cause my body to feel like it's on fire. The wine and alcohol had already warmed me to begin with.

"You've been thinking about what?" I see that glint in his eyes knowing what he is going to try to get me to say next. "Sex? Is that it?" I roll my eyes and let out a shaky sigh not bothering to look at him.

"Hot...steamy...sweaty...sticky..." I feel him breathe onto my neck. "Burning... Sex." His bottom lip brushes against mine and before I can close in the distance he backs away from me.

"I'm only joking. You're drunk. Go to sleep."


"But I am glad to see you wanting me so openly, honestly, drunk or not," he teases.

Before he can get from off the bed, I grab him by his shirt and press my lips to his causing him to cave into me almost instantly. I snake my hands through his shirt taking every second to feel around his chest down to abs. And God. I feel every dip and crevice of his muscles up to his pecs.

His body pushes against mine as he deepens it causing my back to fall roughly back onto the bed. One, two, then three buttons come undone by his nimble fingers. He distracts me with his tongue, his lips, his breathe drowning me more and more into him. Soon, I feel six and my shirt being draped on either side of me.

I have to peel away from air and once I do, he backs away from me with furrowed brows. His fingers are pressing against his lips and a look of confusion and lust speckles his face. As much as he is trying to suppress it, I know he wants me just as badly. He can try to make me out as a horny drunk, but I wonder what it makes him?

"Kai-" He turns his head away from me while mumbling, "...You're drunk. These are just drunk feelings you're having..."

I sit up at this and continue to take the rest of my shirt off. "I am not drunk, for the last time. Twenty-five times thirty-six equals nine-hundred." He looks at me with wavering eyes before scooting further away from me.

"I want this."

"Right now, yea, but-"

"I won't regret it. I wouldn't regret anything I have with know that." I make my way over to him climbing onto him in the process. He places his hands on either side of me ready to push me away. It only causes another small shiver to wreck my body, but I do my best to ignore it.

"So... kiss me right here." I press my lips to his neck.

"And here... and here..." They skim down to the nape of his neck to his collarbone already getting aroused just by doing this. His uneven breaths near my ear is making it even worse.

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now