Pool Party

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Christian's P.O.V

I finish buttoning my shirt to the third button on the top ignoring the glances and small smiles Adam is giving me. He can be so annoying with his assumptions and all.

"You're going to do it huh?"

I roll my eyes pushing down a lingering smile. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"The jeans...the shirt...the cologne...your fucking hair. Dude, are you trying to get laid?"

My face turns a shade pinker before I shake my head.

"Uh, no. It's a party. I'm hosting it. I have to look good. Simple as that."

I go and put my shoes on as he laughs and looks at me with incredulous stare still playing on his face. Honestly, I'm not trying for anything, but I'm not saying that I don't want anything to happen. Whatever happens happens.

"What time is it?"

"Almost nine. Jake and the guys are already downstairs setting up. There are some early birds, but they're keeping them pretty entertained..." He eyes me again as I go in the mirror and fix my hair one more time until I'm satisfied.

"Tell me how it goes. P-O-R-"

"Adam! We are not having sex. God."

"I mean now is a better time than never. He has a pretty damn good body, Christian. I know you must have had some dreams by now." I bite down on the bottom my lip, trying to hide the blush beginning to coat my cheeks.

"I've known you since elementary school. You can't lie to me."

"Okay yes. So yea, I want to...further things. But...I don't really know how. He hasn't really asked or anything and... I don't want to either." My eyes fall away from his as I see his smile turning into a grin.

" The last time I asked... he almost choked on a peppermint and I really asked on the whim of me possibly leaving to Europe. I'm not going to ask again." My forehead leans against the wall cooling down my face.

"And...you think a party will help?"

"I don't know," I sigh out. "I'm beyond frustrated with his constant teasing and taunting. His little touches and misplaced sighs. I want more."

"Oh hohoho and you think he's holding out on you on purpose?"

"Holding out? ...No. It's Kai."

"Hmm...well do it the old-fashioned way. Flirt. Drop hints. He'll catch on. He's not as dense as most guys. A little alcohol will help loosen you up."

My mouth opens, but soon closes wanting this embarrassing conversation to just end. "Let's head down stairs and finish setting up." I grab his wrist and tug him from off of my bed and down the hallway.

The moment I touch the last step, I saw there was more than just a few people. Jake went ahead and started up the music on a decent level as people start to crowd around the living room and kitchen. They pour themselves drinks and hand some out to other people.

"Chrissy!" I hear them shout causing me to smile.

"Hey guys."

"So I went ahead and invited everyone. I mean your house is big enough and the popular people are really the only ones I invited."

"As long as you help clean up this shit, I don't mind. My mom is psychotic. You know that."

"Ya. Ya. Ya. That's what I have Ty for." He kisses him playfully on the cheek which makes him wipe it off. As if on cue, Adam goes and turns the music louder and even went as far as to change the music.

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now