Instigator [Editing]

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Christian's P.O.V

The little bit of time I had left I expected to spend it with Kai, but the way things turned out forced my hand. He should know I didn't want to break up with him. I just told him that I was in love with him.If I didn't do it then. . .Sammy would be somewhere in Australia. He should understand even if it's just a little bit.

Despite my reasoning, I've been avoiding him most of the time. It's not like he's been seeking me out either. I feel unbelievably guilty and I know if I see him angry with me I'll just be ready to go. I don't want things to be over between us because of something that was really out of my hands. 

I should have just told him. It wouldn't be like this if I just stopped trying to carry everything by myself. I'm supposed to be opening up to him, trust in him, yet I haven't. Just thinking about it makes me completely frustrated with myself. 

My phone vibrates. I had half of mind to think Kai texted me but it is only Adam which only darkens my mood. He appears right behind me causing me to jump a little. "Haha did I scare you?"

"No. . .you just caught me a little off guard." I brush his hands off my shoulders and continue to walk to a class I'm beginning to dread. 

"Whaaat? You're not with your boyfriend today? Now this is rare."

A hard, dry, lumpy feeling begins to nestle itself inside my throat. I knew us not being together wouldn't go unnoticed. We are always. . . My eye sink into the floor even more. 

"You had a little fight or something?" He says while nudging me a little. "I'm your best-friend come on tell me something."

"Yeah. . .something like that. . ." I stop in front of the classroom not wanting to go in. I know he's going to ignore me again. I know he is going to be mad at me. He's never been mad at me before and I see how he treats people when he is.  

"Don't think about it. Just hang out with me today. Plus I've been meaning to talk to you about this guy for the longest." 

I smile at this. Yea I should probably tell him about me leaving. . .He has tons of friends now so me leaving won't be so bad. If anything it's only for a year and a couple months. I'll be eighteen by then and I can go wherever I want. 

He daps me up and before he leaves he tells me something else. "Oh yea. The swim match. Definitely get your mind off this Kai business and focus on the match. It's next week and you know we need you." 

I nod and turn into the classroom. The first thing I do is look in the back and see if Kai is there. The first time my eyes skimmed the room I didn't see him, but after the second time I see him sitting down after talking to Ty. 

He's wearing a white T shirt and dark denim jeans with the Hollister logo on the back of it. As usual he catches the eyes of a couple girls as he walked back to our assigned seats. And as usual, he pays them no mind and looks out towards the window with a bored expression. 

I take a deep breathe and continue down the aisle till I move around Kai's seat and sit down in my own.  Kai's unbelievably quiet. Even if it's just for a couple of seconds it's not sitting too well with me. Usually he would make some kind of move to touch me, grope me, something. Just sitting there is beyond comprehensible. 


He turns towards me with a dull expression playing on his face. "Hm?"

"Can we talk?"

"Oh so now you wanna talk?" His eyes narrow and it took all of me not to divert my eyes away from him. He has every right to be mad. I know that, but it isn't making it very easy to want to tell him everything that's happening.

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now