A Piece of Me

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[A/N] I'm updating this story pretty fast huh? Well it's starting to really grow on me to be honest. Another chapter may be posted pretty soon after this one so be on the look out !:0

Christian's P.O.V

I want to D I E right now. I haven't talked to Kai since I agreed to that stupid idea. . .and I really wish I can take it back. I didn't even say Yes! I just nodded. . .because he was so close to my face. . .and I really just wanted to kiss him. . . I know I can't avoid him for much longer.

I try to sink further into the desk. " It's all over for me." I look at Adam as he tries to hold back a smile. " Well isn't this what you wanted? You said you liked him. . ."

I divert my eyes away from him as I tuck my head in between the fold of my arms. " That's the problem. . . " I mumble incoherently to myself but he is still able to hear me. " Wait, what?? I thought you said he was annoying and irritating. That you didn't really like him. . .you were only-"

" He still is all of those things. . .Adam I'm a fucking mess."

I hear him lean against his chair in pensive thought. " Didn't he say you were friends with benefits?"

I nod my head. " We're not even friends. . ."

" Then you should become friends before you do anything with him." My eyebrows furrow together. " You know get to know him, at least ask whose he has dated."

I hear the bell ring for the next class and I immediately begin to sulk. " Come on get up." He hits my back once he begins to rise. " Last class of the day is just History . . . and we're just choosing partners today. Hang in there." He tries not to laugh but he ends up doing it anyways.


I get up and moan out loud as his laughter grows louder. " Well it could be worse. . .at least he isn't fucking another guy while leading you on like a complete idiot. But who knows, he's not your typical prince charming." I shoot a glare at him and walk out the classroom without him. I should just call it off. It was a stupid idea anyway. I don't think I can do this. . .I may end up really liking him. I stop in front of the classroom door not wanting go in.

Oh god. . .I'm going to have to see him. I can't go in there.

I begin to turn away until I feel my face smoosh into someone's chest. I look up immediately already ready to apologize but my words get caught in my throat before I can say anything. " Where are you going?"

". . .I don't feel like going to class." I push past him and I can feel his eyes boring into my back.

How can I end up liking a guy like him?


Kai's P.O.V

I feel a small thump on my chest before I can walk into the classroom. I look down and see Pretty boy's face, face planted on me making me instantly smile. Why am I smiling? I see his mouth open but nothing comes out making my smile grow even wider.  Cat got your tongue?

" Where are you going?"

". . .I don't feel like going to class." He pushes past me and walks down the hall. Anyone with enough common sense can tell when someone's trying to avoid you and he's been doing it for quite awhile now. It's really irritating. . . I look into the class and see little to anyone in there and pop my head right back out. Hmmm. . . I wouldn't mind playing a little game of hooky for the rest of the day.

" Pretty boy!"

He stops and looks back at me making me bite down on my lip. I really can't believe he actually agreed to my idea. But I'm waiting for him to tell me he's changed his mind. I smirk at this and take this chance to catch up to him.

" What?"

I wrap my arm around his neck. " Let's hang out." His body stiffens at my suggestion. I knew it. God, they really all are the same. " I've been wanting to go this restaurant downtown for awhile. We should go." He looks at me. " You plan on ditching anyway right?"

" Fine. . ."

I bring him closer to me till my lips are touching his ear. " I was just kidding. . .about the friends with benefits thing. . .so stop being so awkward." I pull away from him with a smirk playing on my face. " You're a fucking asshole!"

I laugh as he pushes me away from him and continues to walk out of the building. I quickly catch up with him and grab his wrist and drag him in the opposite direction of the student parking lot. " Where are we going?"

" Downtown."

" My car is-"

" We're catching the bus." I say as I look at him waiting for his expression. His eyes furrow together making the most confused face I have ever seen in my life making me laugh out loud again. " The bus?!"

" Yes, the bus." I say in fits of laughter. " Is there something wrong with that?"

" Why do you want to take the bus?"

" It builds character."

" The fuck? No the hell it doesn't!"

We stop at a nearby bus station and I can already see a bus coming right on time. " Nothing is wrong with taking the bus. . .it's pretty nice actually."

He rolls his eyes at me. Once the bus comes he eyes me warily and I have to tug him up the first step to get him to get on. I end up paying for his fare because of his reluctance and I practically have to shove him down for him to sit. " I'm guessing you've never taken a bus before huh?"

" Fuck You."

There's the Pretty boy I love to pick with.

" On the plus side of things. . .we get to spend quality time together." I say seductively only for me to get a hand to the face. " You were just kidding remember?"


" You have such a dirty mind. . . I want to hang out with you, not fuck you." This makes his face go red, which I can't help but find so fucking cute. By no means was I just kidding about wanting him. I just don't want him to be awkward around me. . .so I rather take it back with words but my actions will say differently.

I'm not lying. . .I'm just not telling the truth.

" . . .Sorry. Where are we going again?"

" Sizzle Bub."

" Sizzle. . .Bub? Is that even a real place?!"

" It is."

" You're lying. I'm getting off. History is calling me." He tries to get up but I put my arm in front of him making him sit back down. It's hard fighting back this smile threatening to appear on my face. He always makes me laugh. He's so funny and he doesn't even know it.

" I'm not lying. Sit back down."

He reluctantly sits back down and turns his head away from me. " All we are doing in history is picking partners for that history assignment. . .we can just be partners and bam. We never missed class. Ok pretty boy?"

He puts his earphones as starts nodding his head to the music. I take one of his earbuds out and put it in my ear as I scoot closer to him. My eyes widen as I notice we listen to the same music. " The 1975. . ."

He looks at me and nods. " They're not really that famous but I really love them. . ."

" Chocolate. "


" I bet that's your favorite song of theirs right? " His eyes widen making me smirk. He's so predictable. " Yea. . ."

I listen into the song some more and notice it's the same song I just said. "Now you're never gunna quit it, now you're never gunna quit it if you don't stop smoking it, that's what she said." I say singing along with the song until he takes the earbud out of my ear. " This isn't American Idol."

I scoff at this and kick his leg. " It wasn't So You Think You Can Dance a couple weeks ago was it?" He puts in the other earbud at this comment, kicks me, and turns his head as he bobs his head back to the music.

I loll my head against the bus and stare outside the window. I haven't really been out. . .besides going to parties in a long time. To be honest I never had any real good friends since I left this place. So I had no real reason to go anywhere. It sure does feel nice. . .

. . .

". . .K. . ."

". . .Ka. ."

". . .KAI!"

I wake up from dozing off and look at Christian like he lost his mind. " Why the hell are you yelling?!"

" Where the fuck are we?"

I look around and see little to anyone on the bus besides us and an older guy with tons of scruff on his face. I look at the time and see that its 4:05 pm. " Ahhh shit. . ."

" You're trying to kill me. Just admit it."

" You're not worth my time going to jail." I say smartly back as I start to make my way to the front of the bus with Christian in tow. " Sooo. . .we passed it. But I know another good restaurant around here. It's pretty small and it's not well known. . .but it's really nice." I say with a hint of nostalgia leaking from my voice.

We get off the bus and start heading up the street. " You're treating me."

" Fine. Whatever. . .I was going to anyway."

He stops and looks at me. " What?"

" Ahah. Nothing. Just know that I'm not cheap."

I roll my eyes and turn right. Through the corner of my eye I can see pretty boy dancing to someone unknown tune but by the way he is bobbing his head I can tell it must be rap. Now this is interesting. His hands raise up to his head as he begins to fist pump the air.

I copy what he is doing out of pure entertainment until I get close enough to hear what he is listening to. The song changes and an R&B song comes on making me scoot away from him. He looks up at me and smirks. " So you do have some rhythm."

" You're tall jokes don't phase me. It's over here." I walk into the restaurant called Minuses' Cuisine. As soon as I walk in I see Crystal's eyes widen as she practically bounces up in down. " Josh! JOSH! Joshuuuua! Come here!" She runs up to me and hugs the dear life out of me.

" Crystal. . .gahhhhd let go of me!"

Josh quickly comes and I hear him scream like the little bitch he is and hugs me too making me almost fall to the ground. Pretty boy backs up a little bit and I can tell he is confused by this whole mess. " You never told us you were back! Gahd OMG. I missed you so much!" Crystal practically squeals from excitement.

" You still have to live up to your promise!" I hear Josh say in his overly girly voice. They both let me go at the same time allowing me to rub my arms tenderly from their tight hug. " Christian these are my friends from middle school. . .Crystal and Josh. Their parents run this place."

" Ah. . .I see." He says still trying to figure things out. " Well it's nice to meet you guys."

". . ." They stare at him in complete silence, look at each other, then stare back at him.

" . . .Ahaha. . .hah."

" GUYS! " I yell already know what they're thinking.

" He's really cute! . . .Is he your boyfriend? " They both ask in unison making me instantly blush. I knew I never should have came here. . .at least not with him. I rub my forehead madly. " No. Can you seat us already Josh. Crystal. " I say more as a statement then question.

Crystal flicks her long strands of blonde hair and makes her way back into the kitchen ignoring me completely. " Yeah." Josh says pretty annoyed. It's more than likely because Crystal left. He walks down the long spacious hallway and shows us into a booth. He looks at me with those apple green eyes of his and I already know what he wants to know. He takes a brief look at Christian, sighs and walks off.

" Are they. . .twins?"

" No, Josh is 2 years older than her but you mine as well say that. They look exactly the same and they are always around each other. But it could be different now. . .I don't know."

He laughs and nods. " They're interesting."

" Ignore what they said. . ."

" About me being your boyfriend?"

" Yea."

He tucks his lips in and I know he trying to suppress a smile. I don't care if he knows if I'm gay or not. . .I just don't want to make things too awkward between us. I kind of like being around him.

" I don't think they believe you. Let's just go along with it." He says with a smile and I can immediately tell he's entertained by the idea taking me by complete surprise. " What? Why?"

Josh comes back and puts a fresh glass of water with ice in front of me and practically slams Christian's down till water comes pouring out of it a little. " Jo-" He leaves before I can talk to him.

". . .I don't think they like me. I just want to fuck with them a little."

" They're my-"

" C'mon. You would wanna do it if it were you. Plus they think so anyway. Why not?"

". . .They both go to our school."

" So. What? Don't tell me your scared of a few people calling you a fag for a couple of days."

I look at him annoyed and nod my head in agreement. This would be funny. . .I have to admit. I love fucking with people, but Josh might take it a little too the heart but he's being childish anyway. Christian props his elbow on the table. " Here he comes."

I try to look but I'm taken by surprise as I feel his hand go through my hair pushing it back and messing it up playfully making me heat up in a matter of seconds. " You're hair is so soft and it always smells good." I blink. That's right go with it. I smile and take his hand and kiss it as I tangle his fingers with mine. " . .I actually just changed my shampoo. I'm glad you like it. . .Speaking of smells. . ."

" Aren't you using that cologne I bought you? I can smell it from here. . .and it smells delicious." It didn't take much for me to come up with that one. He really does smell good. . . I wait for him to respond but once I see him turn a shade pinker I can't help but laugh. He tells me to play along yet he can't even handle a simple compliment like that. This should be fun.

" May I take your order?" I hear Josh's hardened voice. I completely forgot about him. " Oh umm. . .you didn't give us menus so. . ." Christian says trying not to make eye contact with him which I find so funny. " It's a burger restaurant. It shouldn't be too hard to think of something."

" That's rude."

" I don't care."

" Josh. " He sighs madly. " Excuse me, but here are some menus for you. I'll come back in a few minutes to see what you want." He walks away again and Christian busts out laughing. He's so evil. I smirk at this. " Does he have a crush on you or something?"

" Something like that. . ."

"Hmm. . ." I see him eye me.

" Why don't you have him be your friend with benefits then? "

I rest my head on my hand and smile widely at this question. " Because, he's not as cute as you." I say bluntly. His eyes widen slightly then narrow. He probably thinks I'm playing with him. He's not going to take a word I say seriously. But that's fine.

". . .So you like guys?"

" Of course."

" So on a scale 1-10 what would you give me?" I see a playful glint in eyes making me relieved he didn't flip out or even walk out on me. It's happened plenty of times to me so I was expecting it. But he didn't. I guess I was a bit wrong about him. . .

" Personality: -6 Looks: 9"

" -6? Fuck you. And why didn't you just give me a 10?"


You're a 9 because I'm the 1 you need." I say slyly. 3, 2, 1. He covers his mouth with the side of his hand. He's so predictable.

Josh comes back and we didn't even look at the menus but I already know what I want to order. " What would you like to order?"

" 2 deluxe quarter pounders with extra bacon and those fries shaped liked dinosaurs. He'll have the same thing." Josh eyes me causing me to look away from him. I'll tell him it's a joke after we eat. I can tell it's really getting to him and I'm not that mean. Like someone else here.

" Hey can you getCrystal for me?"

". . ." He walks away from me without saying a word. 

" Oh he's pissed. Ahahahaha. God, he's acting like you've dated before. . . .You haven't have you?"

I roll my eyes at this question. " I never dated anyone."

" Are you serious?!"

" Yes. I am serious. . . .well I dated one person back in middle school. . ."

" And lemme guess he broke up with you and you couldn't ever find someone to replace him so you just never dated anyone else. "

" Wrong. "

" He cheated on you and you can never trust anyone again."

" Wrong again." I say getting more and more amused by this. Is he really that interested in knowing this?

" Did he die?"

I laugh out loud at this. " No. Why do you think it's so cliche?"

He shrugs his shoulders. " I don't know. It usually is with most people." I look at him and smile. I suppose I should tell him. It's not like it's some big secret and I've been gotten over it.

" . . .I liked this guy that I had a crush on since 5th grade and during 7th grade I finally decided to ask him out. He was a- well he agreed to go out with me. . .even though I thought he would say no because I knew he was straight. I was really happy and all that other shit. . .but he didn't want anyone to know about us which kind of made it hard to even date him. I wanted to hold hands, kiss him, and all that other lovey dovey crap but I couldn't, because he didn't want anyone to know he was bi. Eventually someone found out about us. . .and he immediately pushed it off on me like it was completely one-sided. "

". . .Oh. . ."

There's more to the story but it's irrelevant. I don't like talking about that, because even now it still kind of hurts. " I've been single ever since, but it's not for that reason. I have no reason at all actually."

Crystal comes to our table with our food shooting glares at me as she places them on the table. ". . .Do you still talk to Izzy?"

". . . No. . ."

" Eh? Why not. She really misses-"

" I don't wanna talk about her." Her eyebrows furrow and she tries to put back on a fake smile but it fails miserably. " You know me and Christian are just messing around with Josh. We're not really dating."

" Really?" She asks a little more than excited.

" Yeah."

" You're such a liar." My mouth drops open as she walks away. " I don't understand women." I bite into my burger as a chew absent-mindedly until he throws a fry at me. " You can't tell them yet, idiot."

" I don't want them to be mad at me gaahd."

" You never care when I'm mad at you."

" Because you're always mad at me. For dumb shit."

" That's not even true! You do some petty ass shit!"

" See like now. You're getting mad."

" No I'm not!"

" Then why are you yelling?"

" I-"

I shove a fry in his mouth causing him to glare at me. I really love messing with him. I really need to stop but it's becoming more or less an addiction of mine. 

" Couples argument huh?" Josh comes over to us to drop off napkins but he ends up eyeing Christian most of the time. I lean over the table and kiss him on the forehead. " Nah, that's just how we are." I really wanted to kiss his lips. . .god. . .I'm wanting to more and more these days. I stay hovered over the table staring at his lips until Josh says something.

" would you like anything else? " I can practically feel the jealousy coming out his voice. " No. But thanks for asking. "

" Your personality sucks. " He says madly while chewing the fry I put in his mouth. I can't possibly take him seriously while a little dinosaur tail is hanging from his mouth. I end up messing up his hair instead of acting on my feelings. " I love messing with you. "

He looks at me with those bright blue eyes of his and I knew right then and there I had to have him. If not now. Later.  " I like hanging around you too. . . We should hang out tomorrow and the next day and the next day after that. . . How does that sound?"

He rubs the back of his head slowly as a small smiles plays on his face. " Sure. Fine. Whatever. . ."

I'm going to make him want me just as much as I want him. Because. Obviously I'm beginning to like this kid.

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now