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Sorry for the long wait! Slowly but surely I am updating mostly all of my stories so be on the look out if you read my other ones! xD I hope you like this chapter. I really did enjoy writing it.

Kai's P.O.V

I turn up the music to full blast as I roll down the car window and scream out random shit while Christian drives. I can see his eyes glaring at the road as he drives and it only even makes me even more antsy to mess around with him. I don't know why I get so much enjoyment from this.

"Can you fucking sit down?"

"Can you stop breathing?" I reply smartly back.

" I swear to God, I will throw you out of this damn car." I bust out laughing before he can even finish the sentence and hit him lightly on his arm. ". . .You know we can always pick up where we left off." I say to him in a very low voice. I mean every last bit of what I am saying. . .I wonder if he can tell.

"Uh no. Legally that can count as rape."

I back away from him and smirk a little stunned by his reaction to my suggestion. " You have no problem with the idea of having sex with a guy?"

He looks at me for a brief second and rolls his eyes as he focuses back on the road ignoring my question all together. Soon enough, I see him pull up to a three story house lighted up with green, blue, and yellow lights all around. People are everywhere in yard with there red cups on in each hand. Rave music was booming outside the house. People were blowing whistles and bubbles were coming from out the house. A lot of the people outside are already completely drunk making smy mile grow wider. My kind of party.

I get out the car without hesitation and look back at Christian, my eyes wandering down his body subconciously. I never really noticed how attractive he is until today. . .but I never go for his types. Gay, bi, or straight, I always get what I want eventually. But him. I don't think I want him. I hear his voice sounding out my thoughts before they can become lude.

" At that point in time I honestly didn't care whether you were a guy or girl. You're fucking stupid if you believe I'm going to let you do that to me again, nonetheless touch me. Go play your sick little mind games with someone else." He slams his side of door and walks away from me practically fuming.

I scoff at this and turn around as I hear my name being called. "Ah, how did I know I would see your face here?! I swear you never change." My old friend Alex says as he comes running up to me hugging the dear life out of me. " If you're here that means you must have moved back right??"

" Maybe if you let me breathe I can answer you." I say close to suffocation.

"Ahah sorry. Sorry." He eventually lets go looking me up and down as he does. " You've gotten tall."

"Yeah six years can do that to you." I say playfully back to him causing him to hit the side of my shoulder. " You must have seen Izzy by now right?" I nod my head while looking around for pretty boy and soon find him with the football team dapping them up. I roll my eyes at this. God I don't know why I'm so irritated right now.

" Again with the Jocks, Kai?"

I bite down on my lip as he says this. " I would have thought you would have learned by the last one you dated."

" I'm not interested in any of them." I say cooly as I prop my hands behind my head and begin to make my way to the door.

" Hmm. . .lemme guess. . .Christian Miller. Captain of the swim team." I freeze at the mere mention of his name and turn around to see his grinning face. " Your tastes never changed either."

" I don't like him. He is irritating as hell. Plus he has a stank attitude. Drop the fucking subject already. "

" You should really try dating a chick. You might like what you see on the otherside."

"No. You stay on that side and I'll stay on this side. I can tell you now, you would really like what's on the this side if you'd just let me show you."

He laughs as he pushes me off of him. " As always, no. I'm not ever going to have sex with your nasty ass."

"Hmm suite yourself."

As soon as we enter the house the noise blasts through my eardrums filling them with a weird hybrid cross between twerk music with light dubstep remixes. I become so excited at the prospect of partying again after all this time. I grab a cup from the table and instantly down it. " Hell Yeah!"

I go straight into party mode when I see people taking body shots off a girl. Me being me, I immediately join in and begin taking body shots off the girl causing everyone to go into a complete uproar. I hear people chanting to go on and take another shot and by time I come to actually realizing what I am doing I had already gone through 5 jello shots.

I practically shrug it off and get on top of the girl before I take another shot. My tongue goes down the small gap in between her breasts all the way down to her navel where the shot is. I take the shot in my mouth and drink it making my way back to her face kissing his neck until I can hear a pleasurable sigh come from her. I can't help but grin. I kiss all around her neck, sucking here and there making sure not to leave any hickies.

She moans out and makes motions for me to kiss her but I get off her before she could. I'm drunk, but I'm not that drunk. The crowd around us lets out a disappointing ahh and parts a way from me as I leave. As soon as I walk onto the dance floor I see Jake dancing with a girl or at least trying. I hold in my laughter once I notice how completely off beat he is. I turn my head and Christian dancing on another girl which isn't half bad. . .actually it's pretty good. I smirk. Let me show them how it's really done.

I get behind a random girl with long, light, auburn hair from what I can and loosely wrap my arms around her waist. My head leans to one side of her neck. " Wanna dance?" I say into her ear and she instinctively turns and looks at my face. A big smile spreads wide across her face as she nods. I smile back at her as she leads me towards the center of the dance floor close to where Jake and Christian are.

A dubstep remix of Let it Roll comes on and she slowly begins to start dancing moving her hips left and right while lightly backing up into me. I lean back a little giving her ample room to dance, a mistake many guys make. I put my hands on each side of her and let her lead me, rocking which ever way she goes and I can instantly tell she is enjoying it. I start to make small hip rolls. My hands casually go up her waists. In repsonse she leans further into me and wraps one of her arms around my neck and grinds into me.

I lean in a little and grind my body against hers. Her arm around my neck loosens as I begin to increase my body rolls. She leans to left moving that part of her body specifically and I do the exact same thing. She turns around smiles and breaks into doing her own thing.

She does her own kind of body roll tucking on hand behind her back then slowly wrapping her arms around her breasts as they gradually fall back to her side. Her hair flips over when she looks at me and it really made me question what Alex said earlier.

She wraps both her arms around my neck loosely and we begin dancing together again. " You're a really good dancer." She smiles happily at me and I bite down on my lip as a smirk threatened to appear on my face.

" So are you."

The song ends and we stop dancing but we don't split apart. " Because dancing is something of a hobby to me." Her hands reluctantly unwrap around me. " I would ask you to dance to another song with me, but I really need to find my friend. I hope I see you around again." Her hands skim down my chest and pushes me away from her as she goes through the crowd of people.

" Must be the drinks talking." I say aloud as the thought of sex with her crosses my mind. All that alcohol I had drunk starts to catch up to me as the lights and music starts to make me natious. Someone turns on the bubble machine and bubbles begin to appear everywhere making it hard push my way out of the center.

" Kai."

I turn around and see pretty boy, pretty fucked up. I laugh drunkenly as I see him in all his drunkeness. And I hear I thought I was looking pretty bad. He has lipstick stains going all the way from his neck to the beginning of his chest. His shirt is ripped and his hair looks a fucking mess. The stench of perfume escretes from him making me laugh even harder.

" Someone had a fun time huh?"

He rolls his eyes again and turns around starting to walk away from me but I grab his wrist. I can't possibly pass up an opportunity like this. " How about a dance?"

" Dance?"

I nod. " Can you even dance? . . .You know what they say about tall guys."

"Ahah. Fuck you." I pull him closer to me. Do What You Want starts playing making me instantly laugh. Well isn't this ironic. Because he is so drunk he starts doing the dumbest shit I ever seen making me laugh so hard. He stops and points to me to do something. " This isn't a fucking dance battle." I say in fits of laughter.

He bends down and begins shaking his butt making my abdomen hurt till I feel like I couldn't breathe. He drags his hand from his shoe to his chest and flips his invisible hair like that girl did. I smirk at this nodding my head knowingly. I really wanted to dance with the little prick, but he completely ruined it for me.

I don't know he went behind me until I feel one of his arms wrap around my chest grinding his body into mine. My eyes widen then narrow at this. Chance. I think as I sink into the same rhythme as him slowly grinding myself into him. When I feel both his hands go down my chest I almost instantly become aroused. As soon as I feel his chest against my back, his hips rolling into my bottom turning me on beyond belief. The girl's grinding compared to his is like child play.

He tugs lightly at the hem of my shirt making me instantly wish I never stopped what I was doing earlier. His hands slide inside my my shirt making me bite hard onto my lip. I feel his his lips on my back then my neck and I couldn't take it anymore. I turn around and take him to the nearest wall pushing him against it as I hover over him. " Have sex with me."

He laughs still completely drunk and out of his mind. " If I remember correctly. He says as his voice begins to sound more and more drunken. " You don't like me." I feel his finger point on my chest as he looks dead at me in my eyes. " You hate me."

I lick my lips at this as I smile leaning further down on him to the point to where are noses are touching. I can feel his ragged, beer smelling breathe all on my face, but I don't mind. " I don't have to like you. . .or love you. . .to want you."

He brings me close enough to where are lips are practically touching. " In my book you do." He smirks while trying to push me away from him. He tries to move but ends up leaning on the wall for balance. "Ahhh fuck." He moans out as I see him sliding down the wall unable to stop himself making me snicker. This guy. . .when he is drunk is actually pretty chill and funny.

He touches his head as he tilts on the wall. " I can't get up. "

" So I've noticed."

" Help me."

I look at him with a smug expression acting as if I am going to help him by bending down slightly. " Umm no." I start laughing once his smile goes away. In response, he tugs me down till my legs fall on each side of him. " That's for not helping me." I stare at him unwilling to give up on the idea of having him in my bed. My lips latch onto his neck kissing him softly and tenderly. I let my hands go up his shirt as I begin kissing the other side of his neck till I hear a moan come out from him. I kiss the bottom his chin lightly and soon find my eyes eyeing his lips. I want him so bad. . .

" You're so fuuucked uuuuuup~!" I hear the slurred words of Alex as he looks down at me laughing. My head falls into the crook of Christian's neck as reality begins to hit me like a ton of bricks. Alex yanks me up and I reluctantly go with him leaving Christian there to his own devices. " See. Leaving you alone at a party is never a good thing. What were you thinking? "

" About to get laid. What were you doing?" I say while hitting him roughly on the shoulder. He brushes bubbles off of my head and face. " Christian Miller isn't gay."

" I don't care. I've never cared. Remember?" I say softly into his ear and he smirks. " And we also talked about that."

I roll my eyes and look right back at him. " I want him. I'm already fucking turned on. "

" Better take you and your little friend to the bathroom then." I growl lowly under my breathe. " You're foul."

" Am I? Am I reeeeeaaaally?" I push him away from me as I go find the stairs to find the bathroom. As soon as I get up there I hear moaning and groaning along with the creaking of a bed. " Lucky bastards. . . " I say under my breathe and stop walking once I realize those voices belong to guys. "Hmm. . .now this is interesting."

I tiptoe my way towards the cracked door and recognize the bottom to be Izzy's friend Bryson and the top Jake. My mouth drops in pure surprise. I blink over and over again to see if I was seeing some shit but no. This is as real as it gets. I turn around and try to act like I didn't see anything as I hear them both climax.

Now this is awkward. . . As I look up I see Christian making his way up the stairs and stops as I notice him. " Were you just. . ." He mumbles then turns his head away from me. " Was I what?"

He sighs madly and pushes me out of his way as he goes to the bathroom leaving the door wide open. I follow him inside and hear him throwing up. I quickly go in there and rub his back making sure everything comes out smoothly. " Ughh. . ." He leans his head on the toilet bowl as I continue to rub his back wondering where all his friends are.

" Why are you touching me?" He says angerily making me look at him sideways. " Why wouldn't I be touching you?" I say seductively back. He slaps my hand off of him while he scowls at me before he throws up again. I rub his back again. His breathe comes out ragged and his body instantly begins to heat up. " I told you. . .don't touch me." He leans his head back on the toilet bowl while he glares at me unable to do anything else. Why the hell is he so mad at me? I didn't even do anything. . .this time.

" What did I do?"

" You mean who did you do?"

My eyes squint in confusion as my mind races back to all the guys I messed around with till now, which still isn't making any sense.

" Why does that matter?"

" You're fucking disgusting. Don't touch me!" He shoos me away from him as he leans his back on the toilet with his hands over his forehead practically groaning. My heart practically cringes as he says this making my eyes fall. I don't know why. . .but that really hurt. " Go away."

Jake comes out the room along with Bryson and freezes when he sees both Christian and I staring at them. Christian's eyes widen then narrow as he looks back at me and I turn my head away from them eventually. Bryson tugs on Jake's shirt to come on. " They're drunk. They won't remember. Come on." He tugs Jake down the stairs leaving just Christian and I.

". . .I'm sorry. . .I thought that was. . .you in there."

" Forget it." I say coldly back. Those words really stung, even if it was a misunderstanding. He grabs onto my arm almost as if he predicted my movement to get up. " I really am. . .sorry. . ." He leans his forehead slick with sweat on my arm as the heat from it tranfers to me.

". . .You need a breathe mint."

" Shut up."

" No seriously."

He scoffs at this as I feel his smile on my arm. " I'm guessing you don't want me anymore." My eyes narrow as a slight smile appears on my face. " Oh never that. . .just not right now. You smell gross and your breathe smells. You need a fucking shower. "

He laughs, still hanging onto my arm. I push his hair back as it begins to fall all over his face.

" I really want to kiss you. . . But your breathe smells too bad. . ." I say no more than a whisper under my breathe.

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now