Kiss Me

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Kai's P.O.V

I play with a football in class, throwing it up higher and higher as the lecturing becomes more boring than ever. Soon I begin passing it back and forth with Jake until the teacher catches us. " Jake hand me the football."

" Ms. McFadden I was just practicing for our game today. You know the championship tournies are about to begin."

" I don't care. This is a classroom. You will get it back at the end of class along with a note home regarding your behavior." He rolls his eyes and gets up reluctantly while handing her the football. " Don't think you won't be getting in trouble either Kai. I will be giving your parents a phone call after school." I moan in my desk as the class begins to laugh.

I was doing so good, staying out of trouble and everything. No detentions, no latenesses, or even absences and this had to be the thing. Hopefully my mom will be lenient with me. Besides this, I've been good. She continues on with her lessons about columbus clouds making me look at Jake who just gives me a small smile.

" We can practice after school today if you want." He says lowly to me almost close to mouthing it.

" For the last time, I don't want to join the football team."

" You're pretty good you know that? Raw talent. You can't let that go to waste. Plus, our practices end around the same time as the swim team's." He says enticingly causing me to roll my eyes. It comes to no shock to me that he knows about Christian and I. He hangs around that one guy a lot and Izzy hangs around him so eh.

" It'll give you something to do instead of waiting like a whipped puppy."

" Whipped? I'm not whipped."

" Hahaha say you haven't waited hours for him to get out of practice?"

". . .They were extended practices. Of course I would wait a couple more minutes for him. . ." I say while trying to stamp down the rising heat coming to my cheeks.

" Well, just let football be your distraction. C'mon, just come to one practice and see how you like it. Early tryouts are starting soon. You may even just walk on you know? I think Christian would like it too.~" I narrow my eyes at him as he laughs a little.

" Boys!"

" Sorry." We both say in unison.

As the class ends Jake comes behind me and slaps his hand against my back. " So?"

". . .Ok. One practice. Be lucky I like you."

He winks at me and smirks. " I like you too."

" What do you think you are? A player? A sauve man? Because that shit isn't working with me. Just text me what time and I'll be there."

"Hah, okay. See you later." He goes towards the language hall while I make my way to the lunch room. I find the table I always sit at and see Izzy and Alex already sitting down with their lunches. " Hey Kai."

" Sup?"

I give them a quick smile and just as my backpack lands on the table Izzy says something that stops me in my tracks. " Adrian wants to talk to you. He came to the table looking for you."

" Ugh why?"

She shrugs her shoulders causing me to sigh out. " Where?"

" Out in the science hall." Alex says while looking wryly at me. " You think he heard?"

"It doesn't matter whether he did or not. I'm over him and he should just forget about what happened between us already."

" Mmmmm~" They both say together. I just get up from the table and head in the direction of the science hallway.

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now