I Hate You

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Christian's P.O.V

After waking up with a couple of hangovers from drinking with Colin the last couple of nights, I've done nothing but sleep and try to recover my sanity. Despite him saying so, I don't think drinking away my problems will help anything once the morning comes. I still miss him. 

The first day of fall classes starts tomorrow and coming there drunk or hungover is not a good way to make a good, first impression. I begin stuffing notebooks and folders into my satchel, the same as everyone else. It's all black with pockets and our school emblem embroidered on the sides and front. Because of this sigil, anyone going to this school can get away with almost anything outside of these gates. It's insane.

Colin comes out our shared bathroom his hair dripping wet. His white shirt is starting to dampen, but knowing him, he doesn't care. 

"Go pretty yourself up now. I'm out."

"After a year."

"I have to look good." My eyes roll before he nudges me. 

"I'm fine. I don't need to go in there anymore." I comb my fingers through my hair before throwing my satchel over my shoulder. "We should get going."

As a rule, dorm mates tend to share the same schedule. Colin said it was something along the lines of getting used to the school and their policies. It's a high school through college kind of educational system, so the way they do things are different. I can't say I'm mad or not mad. I'm impartial to it. Colin isn't too bad.

However, this school, in general, is nothing more than...a horrible sentencing specified by my parents.

"No relationships in or outside of school. No public displays of affection of any gender."No drinking. No smoking. Do not pass the curfew set at 9:00pm. No loud noises..." Colin counts off on his fingers causing my lips to purse.

"Break any of these more than three times, you will be sent to corrective behavioral adjustment classes." 

"But...people do break these rules..."

"They do, but you see, they don't get caught. You're the type that would and I don't want to lose another dorm mate." 

The corridor fills with students all wearing the same uniform, all looking the same age. They all wore varying expressions, some happy, some sad, some just tired and wanting to go back to sleep.

"Oversleeping, against the rules. Not opening the door when a houseman knocks, against the rules."

"Colin enough," I say as my eyes fall.  I loosen my tie, already feeling constricted. However, Colin goes on and straightens it back.

"Not looking kept, against the rules," he mumbles close my ear. 

"There should just be a class for all the rules of this place," I sigh out exasperated. 

"There is."

"You have got to be kidding me!"

"For all the new kids. It's called orientation." I shake my head at this. My parents sent me to a perfect hell. They really did their research.

I look around seeing how the walls went from a creme blue to gold and creme, something you would expect to see at a palace somewhere. Chandeliers are scattered all across the ceilings and golden paint with creme around it's edges can be seen throughout the entire building. Even the carpet is a nice velvet red.  



"They say they're made of diamonds and gold." Again I roll my eyes as he nudges me. "It's not all that bad here...I promise you."

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