Good Boyfriend

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Christian's P.O.V

I look blankly at Adam who sits across from me while slurping on his ice-cream sundae. " Bryson was trying to talk to me all week but I have been ignoring him. There is no way in hell I can forgive him for that ."

" You weren't even going out. You were just talking so I mean. . .it's not like he cheated on you."

He plays around with his straw not bothering to look up at me. ". . .I know. . ."

" Men are just so complicated."

" Well, I always thought of myself as pretty simple." He nudges me across the table as I start laughing. " So. . .should I continue to talk to him. . .or. . ."

" You should, just make sure you're talking to other people as well. If he can fuck around with Jake you can talk to more than one person. Simple as that."

". . ." He lets out a long sigh. 

He only messed around with Jake because I said I didn't want to have sex with him or at least not yet."

" Mmm. . .well welcome to the club." 

" Christian you know I never had sex or even kissed anyone before. I don't know how to do anything. . .and it just felt rushed. I don't know. . .I mean maybe I should have. . .said yes. . ."

I shake my head at this. " Obviously he couldn't wait so I don't even know why you're thinking that way. He doesn't even seem worth your time if he could get it in with anyone just to satisfy his " needs". He seems like a loser. Don't talk to him anymore. That shit pisses me off." 

" I knew you were going to respond that way." He says as a scoff of laughter escapes him. 

" You're too nice Adam. People will take advantage of that. He's not the right person for you." 

" I'm too inexperienced. . ."

I look at him with a dull gaze. " That doesn't mean shit."

" But it's true. I'm almost 17 and I have yet to do even the simple things." I bite down on my lip to stop me from laughing. " Yeah well. . .Just go and like someone else. Bryson is not the guy for you. What about Connor? He's pretty cute. Or Garret? He has a nice body."

He rolls his eyes and stares at me. " Christian."

" Hm?"

" You've never kissed a guy before right?"

" Uh. . .I. . .have. . ."

" What when? With who?"

" Kai and I. . .we've kissed a couple times before."

" Whaaaaaaaaat? You never told me!"

" That's only because I didn't want you thinking we were a couple or something and say something weird with him around."

" But you like him and he said he likes you. You're practically going out now. . ."

I blink as the realization hits me. He starts laughing as he sees my facial expression. " Ahah don't tell me you never thought of it that way till now?"

" Okay. First off no. He clearly doesn't want a relationship with me. . .especially when he knows I'm dating Melanie." I put my arm over my face. ". . .Plus he had a run in with his ex. . .he might have just said that just to you know. . .say it? I don't know."

" Sh. Sh. Shh. He's coming back." Adam says quietly while trying to focus on new people coming back into the restaurant. There is overwhelming amount of silence causing him to look at Adam then back at me. He smirks as he drapes his arm over my shoulders casually.

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now