Not Friends

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I look at my neck in the bathroom mirror and let out a long sigh. "You have got to be kidding me. . . goddamit. I told him no marks. He never listens to me. He never listened to me before either so what was I expecting. . ." I mumble out loud as I leave out the bathroom. My hands cover the mark subconsciously as I make my way to Izzy who is waiting outside for me.

" Why are you covering your neck like that?"

". . ."

" Lemme see. It can't be that bad."

I let her take my hand away from my neck and she looks at me like I just killed something. " Are you fucking kidding me Kai?"

I roll my eyes. " I know it's bad. I clearly told him no marks. He doesn't listen. . .Can you cover this up for me? We're about the same skin tone. . ." I say almost pleadingly.

" AND why the hell should I do that??" She asks madly.

" Because. . ."

" Because what? You don't want Christian to see?"

I nod my head in shame causing her to scoff and walk away. " Izzy! C'mon! I had your back so many times! Don't be like that!" I say while chasing after her until I grab her arm.

" You're terrible. . .you're absolutely terrible." Her voice takes on a sad tone this time making my eyes widen. Does she know? . . . She couldn't possibly know.

" I have a hickey. One little hickey. It's not a big deal."

". . .Who did you get that from?"

" Izzy, why do you even care? It's a hickey. A hickey."

" It was Adrian wasn't it?"

I roll my eyes at this. " Yea. . . .but. . .it wasn't supposed to turn out like that. . ."

" Turn out like what? You had sex with him?"

I scratch the back of my neck absently. " I mean. . ."

" Didn't you say you liked Christian? Didn't you say you wanted to date him? What the fuck is this?!"

I bite down on my lip in utter guilt. " OK. So I fucked up. But it isn't what you think. I don't like Adrian I just. . . I was just frustrated sexually and emotionally."

" I really can't believe you. You just-" She stops herself and shakes her head. ". . .I'll cover it up. I don't even know why I'm lecturing you."

She grabs my hand and takes me back into the boys bathroom and locks the door. I already felt guilty about forgetting to go to the ice-cream parlor. He already wasn't really talking to me and now this shit happened. He is going to be heated. Of all people, he was the last one I wanted to ever stand up.

. . .I like him. . .

I look at Izzy taking out her makeup brush and concealer. She begins applying a little on my neck which blends in smoothly onto my skin. ". . .I like him. . .a lot. . .Izzy. . ."

" Mhmm. . ."

" I really do."

" Right."

" Adrian is just. . .a fuck buddy nothing more nothing less."

She stops putting the concealer on and starts to pack it back up. " And you think that's ok because?"

" Izzy why are you acting like this?"

" I'm not acting like anything." She stares at me and lets out a sigh. " You're just a lost cause that's all."

" I'm not lost. He doesn't like me Izzy. At least not like the way I like him. He keeps pushing me away and for the past month he's been avoiding me blaming it on swim practice. I thought we were getting closer, making progress you know. . .I thought we were kind of. . .dating. But I was wrong. Maybe I was being too pushy or too open with my feelings I don't know but. . ."

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now