A Start of a New Ending

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Kai's P.O.V

I stare at the black screened t.v as I watch my mom bustle about trying to get this and that which only seems to amuse me. Instead of helping, I just look at her.

"Kai, you need to get ready for school," she says still looking for her car keys. 

"I am ready."

She looks at me with a worried expression as soon as she finds them and heads over to me. 

"Kai, please don't act this way. It's your first day at a new school. It's a new beginning for you. A new start. She cups my face in her hands. "Don't have such a down face." 

I get up and walk away from her.

"Isn't your friend, Elizabeth, going to school there?"

"Yes, mom."

"Then why are you so upset? What are you so bothered—" 

"I'm leaving." 

I slam the door and walk towards my pitch black Mazda 2012. I plug my phone into the jack and blast my music as I back out the driveway and drive off.

My mom... she can be so damn naive sometimes. I already had to go through so much to make a name for myself. Now, I might have to go through that again. I, honestly, do want to start over. I was a complete mess back there, I will admit that, but I don't want to have to go through that same mess I suffered through middle school again. It sucked being labeled as the bad kid that no one wanted to hang around. I laugh at this. That was just how it was. I attracted the wrong kinds of friends. Wrong kinds of guys and it messed me up pretty bad.

I pull in at a parking lot labeled Student Parking and park my car. " So this is... it." I get out of my car and whistle. "Damn, I'm going to get lost as fuck." I check my hair in the mirror making sure it is still styled the way I had it before I left.  Once I finish, I walk into this new hell hole.

The first thing I see is girls chatting on the sides of the buildings laughing. Next came a smaller group of people and soon it just became a convulsing mess of chatter and laughter. It is pretty apparent who the athletes are. You can always spot them a mile away, especially the pretty boy ones. 

I walk past a group of girls gaining their attention as they watch me pass. They break out into giggles and whispers causing me to overhear a compliment come from one of them. Somehow, I feel dirty just by them looking at me like that. Guys aren't the only ones who can look at someone like a piece of meat, apparently. 

As soon as I step into the building my long time friend, Izzy, jumps on me and hugs me. " Kai, baby! I haven't seen you since middle school!" she squeals. 

"Izzy, babe, you have boobs!" 

We both laugh at this as she lets go of me.

Of course, we stirred the attention of the masses but like I care. I finally get to see my best friend since elementary school! We were inseparable until I moved three hours away. We kind of lost connection through the years, but I finally reconnected with her after some time.

"Well, of course, I do." She pushes them together. "Wanna see?" 

"God, no. Put them away."

 She laughs while stepping back and gets a good look at me.

"Mmm, delicious as always."

 "You want me so soon? You work fast." I smile missing these conversations I used to have with her. 

"Yeah, babe, you already know," she whispers while trying to wiggle her eyebrows. It only makes me laugh even louder. 

"I missed you, Kai. I'm so happy you transferred here!" Just before she can hug the life from me again a guy comes from behind her and gives her a small back hug. 

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now