Pick N' Tell

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Kai's P.O.V

After getting lost a couple time in this overly large school, I believe I got the right classroom this time. I walk into my study hall two minutes late meeting Izzy's giddy eyes in the process. What is she so happy about? Soon she starts to muffle her laughter along with half the class. 

"Ok..." I mumble under my breath.

"Kai Lyttetton," a booming voice says coming from behind. I turn around quickly thinking it would be some tall and gruesome looking fellow, but I sputter from what I see. A small, shabby wrinkling raisin of a woman staring at me. You have got to be kidding me.

 " Pfftt—"

"What do you find so funny, Mr. Lyttetton?" she asks  in that manly voice of hers causing me to burst into laughter. I laugh so hard my abs begins to hurt causing me to hunch over someone's desk. I try to stop the pain, but I just keep laughing. The entire class laughs along with me until she yells, " enough!"

She glares at me. "Though you have been in my class for the past couple of weeks, without me being here, I guarantee the behavior you have displayed here today will not go unpunished."

" No—no miss... whatever your name is, I wasn't laughing at you, honestly—" I still say in fits of laughter. "I was laughing at her." I point at Izzy. 

"No, bitch don't try to drag me down with you!" 

"Ms. Wilson!" The teacher yells.

 "No, Ms. Denikur I didn't do anything!" 

She points as Bryson and Bryson points at—Adam? Then Adam points at—Christian? That pretty boy was in this class the whole time. I never noticed him. Maybe because we have like forty-five kids trapped in this jail cell of a classroom. Doesn't even have a working AC. Christian is still laughing not noticing the accusing finger that is being pointed at him.

"I've had enough of this! Mr. Adams and Mr. Lyttetton detention after school for a week! You both may excuse yourselves from my classroom immediately!" I shrink away from her thinking she may turn around and beat me with a bat. This woman has some serious anger issues.

"Okay, lady, damn." 

"I didn't even do anything!" Pretty boy yells back. 

"That doesn't seem to be what everyone else thinks." She crosses her arms and looks at him as the class tries to stifle their laughter down. Christian only groans and snatches his book away from Adam who is still dying from laughter. "Fuck you." 

He walks out the classroom with me following behind him. My time to make his life hell. 

"Good boy gone bad," I sing. "You know they write songs about your type." 

He turns around catching me off guard. " You're not at all upset about this? The note that's going to go back home to your mom?" he asks.

I act like I'm thinking hard putting my thumb and pointing finger on my chin and look up at nothing as I rub my chin. " Hmm, actually, no. No, I do not. But I do know it must mean the world to you and your perfect record, hm?"

He rubs his forehead then looks back at me. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm not trying to say anything. I said what I said."

 A scowl appears on his face causing a wry smile to tug at my lips. "Blame your little friend, not me. I didn't point that finger at you." I say while poking him in the chest. "Or better yet, you shouldn't have been laughing Mr. Goody-two-shoe."

He smacks my finger away. "You're irritating as hell! I can't believe I'm stuck with you for a week on top of that I have to do a project with you!"

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now