Persuasion at Its Finest

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Kai's P.O.V

I tap on the desk impatiently, wanting to get these unsettling nerves out of my system. Never once have I ever actually attended a detention. Who actually does?

I look at the back of pretty boy's head as he busies himself with homework in this classroom of hell. I don't know which one I hate more at this moment. Well, I get pleasure from making him I guess he isn't so bad. I fling a pencil at his head out of pure boredom causing him to turn around with the usual scowl he has for me for the past few days. 

"You really don't have anything better to do, do you?"

"Define the term do."

"You're fucking disgusting," he says with disgust as he turns back around only making me laugh out loud. 

"Quiet. Both of you." The teacher on detention duty says specifically to me. "Alright, ma bad." I turn to look at pretty boy again and see the led of his pencil break with the pressure he puts on it causing me to smile. I really am getting him riled up today.  

"Hey pretty boy," I whisper. "Wanna go to that party today?" 

"Like hell I can! You got me fuckin' grounded!" he tries to shout back to me in an angry whisper. I shrug my shoulders at the response.

"Just sneak out. What? You think I'm not grounded either? I just don't care."

" Surprise. Surprise. Surprise," he says while rolling his eyes. "Unlike you I-" I put my finger on his lips.

"Just shut up with the excuses. I like parties and I think this party will be fun. We should go."

"I'm not going with you."

".I have no idea where the party is. That's the only reason why I want you to come. It's not like I want to go with you either," I admit without a hint of tact. 

"Never pegged you as the honest type."

"Never pegged you as the nerdy type." He turns back around after I say that. Shit... maybe I should be a little bit nicer to him. I do want to go to that party. 

I see the teacher check the time then looks at us " You are dismissed. Next week make sure you are back here at the same time everyday."

" Yup, uhuh." I grab my stuff but wait up for slowpoke.

As he walks out the door I follow behind him. "" 

"Fuck you."

"Ahahaha, I will take you up on that offer." 

"You are the biggest douche bag I ever met in my life, you know that?"

"Thank you, I never knew you could give me such a sweet compliment. Here you had me thinking that you didn't like me. You're so coy," I say while leaning against him only resulting in him trying to shrug me off of him."

"Get off me." 

I back him up against a locker and lean over him with a smirk plastered on my face. "You can't push me off of you. I am so much bigger than you." I tap his nose with my finger for an added effect.  "Now that I have your full attention...I will ask you again. Wanna go to a party?"

"If I say no?"

I'm pretty sure you have a pretty vivid imagination of what I have planned," I say lowly. " I mean if you don't want to go...that's fine. I guess I will have to find another means of entertainment. That burden will all fall on you."

"You're crazy."I laugh at that.

"Call me what you want, but you will be the one entertaining me since you want to be a party pooper."

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now