New Arrival

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Kai's P.O.V

I stare at my now cold oatmeal tossing and stirring it with a dull vigor. I lost my appetite almost completely and I never really liked oatmeal to begin with. The apples just look dry and sad now. No way am I going to eat this.

After a minute or so passes I look back up and see Isaac staring dully back at me. A bowl of cereal sits in front of him. He hasn't even touched it, nonetheless tried to pick a fight with me. It's funny how things can change so quickly. I smirk and continue to play with my food. I can't possibly let a fine opportunity like this  pass me by.

After a couple more minutes of silence passes us by, I finally decide to say something. "To be completely honest, I don't care what our dad has got going out with his little, mistress wife thing. It has nothing to with me or my mom. Shit, he can fucking divorce her and I wouldn't give two fucks what happens to you, Robbie, or our father." I stick my spoon in the oatmeal and look dead into his brown eyes. "Don't get too comfortable here. You're obviously not welcomed." 

"Kai listen, don't think for one fucking moment I want to be here either, especially in your dumb ass house. Robbie and I are just as upset about this whole moving in thing as you right now." He says while glaring at me.

"If you can cheat on one person with someone else, you can cheat with another. Honestly, I don't understand how he didn't see that one coming. Once a cheater always a cheater." I say icily causing Isaac to ball his fists up and get up. 

"Don't you fucking dare talk about my mom!"

"Oh? You mean the home-wrecker?" I scoot my oatmeal away from me and look at him with an even bigger smirk. "What did he expect. . .trying to make a housewife out of a hoe." He swings around the dining room table causing me to get up. I tower a good foot over him. 

"Don't get mad just because I'm saying the truth. That's what everyone is probably saying at your school anyway. It's better to embrace it now rather than later. Who knows, my father might not actually be yours." I say wanting those words to hurt. I notice his eyes beginning to glisten, but by no means does that make me want to stop.

"I willing fucking end you just for you saying that!" He shouts angrily. I push him in response waiting for him to do something back. "I'm all game bitch." 

"Kai! Isaac! There will be no fighting in this house!" She tugs Robbie behind her as she enters the dining room and sits him down. "Go sit down the both of you!" I walk around the corner and into the kitchen towards the refrigerator as Isaac scoffs and ignores her. "Whatever." My eyebrows raises at this and smirk at the oncoming smackdown.

"Isaac, I understand you are going through a tough time right now but that does not excuse you for being disrespectful. This is my house, my rules and you will listen to them. Do you understand me?" 

". . .Yes Ms. Rebecca." He mumbles out lowly. 

"Now go sit down and finish your breakfast. Help your brother fix something to eat." After she finishes talking to him she turns her attention to me and I instantly know I am in some deep shit. "Kai. In the living room. Now." She says the last word with so much anger I don't bother to even sass her like I always do. I slowly make my way into the living room and slump down on the couch as soon as she enters.

"I told you about their situation for a reason, not to make him feel even worse than he already does!" She whispers angrily at me. "He's your brother Kai, whether you like it or not and right now he needs you. He really does." I scoff at this causing her to hit my shoulder. "I'm being serious."

"I get it. I'll be nicer." I say reluctantly, but it makes her smile anyway. "God knows I love that boy Christian, but if you don't start acting like I raised you with some manners he's not allowed over anymore until Isaac and Robbie leave." 

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now