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[A/N] Another chapter for you guys~ I really liked this one ^_^


Kai's P.O.V

I sit next to Izzy as I see her passed out on her desk. Drool is dripping down her mouth and you can hear her faint snores because the class it so quiet. She is so ungirly. I nudge her before the teacher can see her sleeping. " Izzy. Get your ass up. People are starting to pass in their tests." One of her eyes pries open as she stares blankly at me.

" Hand in my test for me. . ."

" I can't do that. I'm not a girl. Do it yourself. " She sighs miserably and gets up in a painfully slow motion and practically drags herself to the front of the classroom. Her skinny jeans are always tight and she almost always wears flannel or graphic t shirts everyday. 

As she makes herself back down to the classroom she almost trips and people begin to snicker and laugh. Even I begin to laugh. She is such a klutz. This girl has never changed since middle school and I hope she never does. Finally she makes it back to her seat and I can't help but eye her.

" Izzy. . .are you hungover?"

". . .yes. . .and I feel fucking terrible." She says as she lets out a groan. " I'm surprised you turned down my offer to go to a party."

" Ah, I had other plans with someone else. " Her eyebrow arches at this. " With who?"

" Ok class I will dismiss you early. You can head to lunch or your next class. Have a good rest of the day." There is a collective shuffle of chairs being pushed out and feet making their way to the door. " My neighbor."

" Your neighbor?" She laughs. " Why are you being so vague?"

" Because you're being nosy."

" Is he another one of your one night stands huh? Another jock?"

I roll my eyes at this. " You and Alex must have been talking to each other huh?" She laughs as she wraps her arm around mine and begins tugging me towards the commons. " So what if we have. . .Is he good?"

" What?"

" Christian I mean."

" What about him?"

" Is he good. . .in bed?"

I bite down on my lip trying not to laugh out loud. " Did he tell you to keep it a secret yet?"

" Izzy. . ."

" Omg, don't tell me. . .he wants more?"

" Izzy no. I wouldn't know because I haven't slept with him. I'm not interested in having a one night stand with him or anyone. It's not very satisfying anymore. . ."

She looks at me dead in my eyes. " Oh. Don't tell me. . ."

" We're just friends."

The volume of voices starts to rise as we near the lunch room and I instantly begin to look for Josh or Crystal. " Oh well that's interesting. . .oh and Bryson wants to talk to you."

" What? Why?"

" He says it's about ummmm the party last month."

I roll my eyes. " Bry! Bry!" She squeals as she untangles her arms from mine and jumps on him like she hasn't seen him in ages. " Elizabeth, I think you gained some weight." I hear his husky voice say. " Shuddup. That's just baby weight." I laugh at this. " I will see you guys later I need to find someone real quick." I look at Bryson for a quick moment and he looks at me and instantly turns his head away.

I walk off looking from the blonde duo and I begin to stop until I hear Josh's girly laugh over everyone else I am near by. " Hey Joshy~" I say seductively in his ear making him immediately pushes me away. " I don't like playboys. Get away from me." I laugh at this and hug him from behind. " You know I was just kidding about Christian and I dating." His eyes widen then narrow. " You're such an ass. . .omg. . ." He puts his head down on the table and I start laughing again.

Crystal looks behind her and I quickly give her a hug. I sit in between then interrupting their conversation they are having with other people I don't know. Most of the table is filled with gay guys and 2 girls. " I was going to tell you before we left but I kind of forgot. "

" Oh, it might have been the fact that you were so preoccupied with his lips that you forgot to tell me." I laugh a little at this. " That may be true."

". . .So do you like him?"

" Eh. " I shrug my shoulders. " He's cool to hang out with. I like messing around with him." I bite down on my lip as I notice how wrong that may sound coming from my mouth. " God Kai, you never did change."

" I didn't mean messing around like that. I haven't slept with him."

" Yet." Crystal says trying to finish off my sentence. I roll my eyes at this. " He's not like the others."

" Riiiiiiggght." All the gay guys at the table says in unison making me become annoyed. I look at them and then Josh. " You told them about us?"

" Did you expect me not to? You were practically flaunting him in front of my face knowing that I-" He diverts his eyes away from me. " I won't say anything else."

" I don't care about what you said about me, but don't go around spreading nonsense about Christian. I don't want him caught up in something he has nothing to do with." He nods his head absently. Before I can get up he tugs down on my shirt.

" Kai. . .I. . .Can we talk later?"

" Umm. . .I have to stay after school and start on this history assignment."

" Oh. . .ok. Well. . .I want to talk to you soon. Whenever you're free I guess." I rub his head and take both Crystal and him into a big hug smooshing our faces together. " I really do miss you guys~ We sure did have some fun times. I'll let you guys finish eating. I'll see you later. " I kiss Crystal on the cheek and start to walk off.


I look at the screaming fans while trying to stay focus on the swimming match but it's so hard to. I never thought swimming could be as popular as it is. There is so much people hear with our school colors on cheering them on. I see someone dip into the water after one of their teammates are finished and makes their way down their line in the swimming pool.

As soon as I see Christian dive into the pool my eyes widen. Not a splash is made as he dips into the water and freestyles down to the other-side before any of the other swimmers catching our team up drastically. He kicks hard against the end of the pool and makes his way back ducking his head to the left and to the right until the buzzer goes off and he is the first to hit the pool side.

There is an uproar of cheers and praise for our team. I can mainly hear Christian's name chanted and I can't help the smile that comes over me. He's actually pretty damn talented. . . I kind of forgot he was into swimming until he brought it up to me a couple of days ago.

Once he leaves the pool his teammates instantly surround him shouting trying to stop themselves from jumping up and down. From what I could make out from people's conversations around me they just won their game and are now in the quarter-finals. They must be pretty damn happy. I can feel Christian's smile and laughter from hear and honestly. . .I am extremely happy that I get to see him this way.

I decide to leave out the pool arena and wait for him outside. I don't want to attract people when I call for him so I mine as well just stand out here. This guy is popular, charming, good looking, and has a genuinely good personality. No wonder everyone is going crazy over a guy like him. . . I push my hair back and let out a sigh as I lean my head against the wall.

I see people begin to exit out the door talking to one another. Another couple of people from the swim team comes out. After awhile I see Christian coming out while still drying his wet hair off. By the way he smells, I can instantly tell he had taken a shower. That cologne that I love so much is lightly sprayed on him. He's just in sweats and a loose fitting T but I still can't help but find him extremely attractive.


Christian's P.O.V

Once I leave out the locker room leading to outside I instantly spot Kai and I can't help the bubbly feeling that rises from inside of me. I never really had anyone waiting on me after school besides Adam. . .and well. . .I really like it.

I smile and nudge him as I see his eyes glazing over. He was probably bored out of his mind watching me swim and waiting for me for this long. It's almost 5. " Ahah, sorry about the long wait. I had to take a shower and my teammates kept talking about the swim match. Their so excited. . .But thanks for waiting for me."

" Yea yea yea. . .whatever. I kind of forgot you swim. You're a really talented swimmer. . .and I didn't find the swim match boring at all.

A wide smile spreads my across my face as I let out a short laugh. God why am I blushing from a little compliment from him like that. I tuck the towel I was drying my hair off with into my Nike back. Well let's go. . .the library is opened till 9:00 pm. I also printed off some titles and reference numbers of the books we need on the French Revolution." I hand him the copy and his hand touches mine making me instantly drop the paper before he can take it. " Ah, sorry." I pick it up and he eyes me with a slight smirk.

" The French Revolution. . .I don't know a damn thing about that shit. Why didn't you choose something easier like. . . Independence Day." I push him. " You're so l a z y. I don't want the teacher to think I'm dumb just because you are."

He steps in front of me looking down on me and I can hardly begin to look at him. But when I do my eyes widen. I never knew how green his eyes are until now. . .He uses his index finger push my head slightly back. " I don't think you wanna go for another dip in the pool do you?" I smack his hand away from me and continue to walk away from him and towards the student parking lot.

" Shut up and get into the car." I stand outside his car as he deliberately takes his time to unlock the doors. After starting his engine he immediately plugs his phone in the jack and sweater weather starts to play. I loll my head against the back of his seat and sigh. " Can we not listen to this?"

I take his phone before he can say no and go through his list of songs. " Did you. . .look at my phone's songs?" He looks at me with the most amused expression. " No. You idiot." I scroll down some more and see some indie artists like passion pit, and florence + the machines. I see a lot of R&B artists and I am really surprised to see Frank Ocean on his phone. Here I thought he was just into the screamo, angst bands.

I stop at a song called Head.Cars.Bending. " You like this song?!" I say as excitement and surprise fills my voice. " Ummm yea. That's-"

" I love this song."

For the rest of the ride I play nothing but Indie music and it seemed like he didn't care. He knew every single song lyrics I play and I must admit. . .he's a pretty good singer. As the last song ends he stops the car and puts it into park. " What? Get the fuck out." I roll my eyes. I toss my bag to the back seat and get out the car annoyed that I actually listened to him.

I walk into the library. Not many people are in hear as I would think. I only see a library clerk on the first floor. As I go up the second floor I see a few more people. I still decide to go a little further up. There is a good 20 or so people here. " The 3rd floor? You're extra."

" Shut up. This is where most of our books are." I find a table for us to sit at not too far from everyone else. He begins to take out a notebook and a couple of pencils. As I look a little closer I see that he has already mapped out the kind of information we should gather and what we should write about in particular during the Revolution. " Sooo you're not as dumb as I thought." He plucks me in the forehead. " I'm pretty sure I'm much smarter than you. . .When it all comes down to it, an A is just a letter." He says smugly making me instantly roll my eyes.

" You're so annoying."

He opens up a book titled " The Start of a Revolution " with Frenchmen holding up a flag over piles of bodies. So he already began to start it huh. . .? I try to take a quick look at him but I end up staring at him.

He can be so annoying and irritating but I never seen this side of him. He's actually focused and not sleeping or talking. I drop my gaze but look at him again. Since when did he hair become entirely black? He looks up and spots me looking at him.

I quickly get up completely embarrassed. " I uh. . . I'll go find the other books we need. " I say while rubbing the back of my neck absently. He stares at me with a nonchalant gaze, nods and goes back to work.

I rush off to the bookshelves on the far end of the room. Shit. . . I really need to get myself together. Just because he's into guys doesn't mean he's into me. I sigh at this. I'm really setting myself up for rejection.

I don't even really know if he's into guys. . . It's hard to believe. He could have just been playing that stupid little mind games of his because he is such a douche.

I look at the paper with the list of 4 books on it. I find the first and second one fairly easily but as for the 3rd and fourth one on the list I can't seem to find on this floor. I end up having to go up some more stairs to the 4th floor towards the book cases.

" Ugh. I should have made him do this. "

I run my fingers through the various books and let out a tired sigh. I really can't be having these thoughts right now. Just because he's been being a tad bit nicer to me doesn't mean anything.

But I want it to mean something. I want him to like me. . . Even if it's just a little. I grab my hair and push it back as I let out another sigh. I end up going further and further into the maze of books looking for the last book which I can't barely even focus.

It must be the chlorine.


Kai's P.O.V

I tap my pencil on the table trying to keep myself composed. I want to just melt into the table right now. I stare at the book not even reading it any longer.

People start staring as my tapping gets louder making me stop instantly and smile a little. He knows I'm gay. I mean that must be why he is acting kind of off today. But it can't be that.

I know it's not that.

. . . Could it be that he heard some things about us? I shake my head. No I don't think so.

I get up and start to look around for him tired of being left with my thoughts. He's been gone for over 20 minutes. I wonder if he got lost. I roll my eyes at this. Or better yet couldn't find the books. I look around for him shooting short glances down the aisles as I go down the hall of bookshelves and can't find him.

I decide to go upstairs and look for him. I travel through the bookshelves until I spot him looking adamantly for the book. I smile at this. He is so cute. I quietly sneak behind him hovering over him as I reach for the book that he is looking for. He quickly turns around and faces me with wide eyes but they lower as soon as he recognizes me. " Oh. It's just you. God, this library is creepy as hell at night."

My eyes begin to trail down his body unknowingly as my lips slowly begin to part. I don't know what it is but everytime I stare at him for more than 5 seconds it's hard to turn away.  " Anyway. . .What are you doing here? " I continue my trail down his body as I make my eyes snap back up to his face. " Kai." They instantly fall on his lips after a couple of seconds. He grabs my arm after seconds of silence pass. " What. Are you ignoring me now? Honestly. . .you're fucking childish." I bite down on my lip trying to stop this oncoming urge but it's useless.

" Ka-"

Before he can even finish off my name I tug him closer to me and slowly press my lips against his. I feel the soft, pillowly touch of his lips leaving me wanting more. Slight tingles run through my lips as his grip tightens on my arm. Soon I feel his lips part against mine. Before I can deepen it, I move away from him waiting to see his expected reaction and it honestly isn't the one I am expecting. 

His entire face goes red. He touches his lips slowly and gradually begins to look at me. ". . .Did you just. . .kiss me?"

I blink as I touch my own still being able to feel his lips being pressed against mine. Did I? I look back at him and smirk trying to downplay my own surprise of my actions. I lean against him even more until his back is up against the bookshelves. " Why wouldn't I? I said I thought you were cute. . .but now I find you to be extremely attractive." I bend down to his ear as I say this in a very soft whisper. Kissing him just this one time is making me hungry for more. I can't just be satisfied with that alone. 

He lets out a short laugh of disbelief and pushes me away from him. " Quit fucking around." Even after saying that he still doesn't believe me. This guy is fucking impossible.  "What? Don't look at me like that. You are always playing around like this and this is really getting old. I'm not your little play toy that you think you can do whatever the hell you want with! I'm not your friend with benefits and I am not someone who wants to " experiment " with you either! If you can't get that through your motherfucking thick head then I really just don't even want to be friends with you anymore." I still see him blushing down to the tip of his toes making me bite down on my lip as he pushes me away and walks away from me.  

I bang my head against the shelves getting completely frustrated with myself. My eyebrows furrow together as I become a little confused myself. I never thought of him as any of those things. . .I just really want him. . . " Ugh, I don't even know what the hell that is suppose to mean anymore. . ."

" I don't like him. . .do I?"

It must be the chlorine. 

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