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Kai's P.O.V

He told me to visit, yet his window was locked and his lights were off. Instead of just going inside, I tried to call him. I even texted him, but there was no reply and the call went straight to voicemail. My lips purse at the thought of him finding out by someone else.

After all I had said to him about that, he would be furious. My head soon falls down on the desk paying no mind to Mrs. Hicks. Still, he would talk to me. He wouldn't just flat-out ignore me and stop talking to me.

I feel Izzy's arm nudge me up. "Hey. Hey. You okay?"


"What happened? Is it Christian?"

"You can say that..."

"God, what did you do this time, Kai?"

My head pops up at this. "Nothing. I did nothing. Izzy, I think Christian is avoiding me. Everything was fine just a day or so ago...but now..."

"Did you guys..." She bites down on her lip while moving her head. "You know..."

I tuck in my lips biting back a smile. God, I can still feel his lips on my neck. "What makes you think that?"

"I don't know... maybe the bite marks on your neck...hickies right there. And there. And ther-"

"Okay, I get it."

"You didn't...pressure him did you?"

I scoff at this trying to hold in a laugh. " Do you see my neck? More like he pressured me."

"Maybe he feels a little embarrassed."

"Hah? He is definitely not embarrassed."

She shrugs her shoulders and lets out a sigh. "I don't know then. Go find him in school. He's somewhere and you have classes together. It shouldn't be hard."

"That's the thing...he hasn't been in school either. I looked for him everywhere."

"Maybe his house?"

"...I'm not allowed over there."


"It's almost his birthday too..."


"Elizabeth!" Mrs. Hicks reprimands Izzy before continuing on.

"Sorry Mrs. Hicks... ok, I got it. Buy him a belated birthday present and give it to him when you see him again."

"A present..." I think on it before a big grin splays across my face. I never bought anything for anyone special before... My teeth begin to chew on my bottom in excitement. Getting him something, hm?

As the bell rang I quickly rose, grabbed my bag and headed out the door in the opposite direction of my other class. There is no point of staying here, if he's not here. It's practically summer, so I won't be missing out on anything anyway.

"Kai! Where are you going?"


"I'm coming!"

"No the hell you're not."

"Yeah, I am!" Once we arrive at the parking lot, she was quick to take my keys unlock my door and climb into my passengers seat.

"Damn, woman, fine."

I try to turn on the music, but she is quick to smack my hand away. "No, you're gunna talk to me. How was it? Was it worth it...you know the wait?"

"...It was definitely worth the wait."

"Hahaha, I can tell."

"He called me dense, Izzy. I mean I didn't know he was thinking about that this entire time. I thought it was only me."

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now