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Kai's P.O.V

I can remember how it all happened. It happened so fast, yet, it plays in slow motion in my head each time I think about it. My hand holds an icepack to the side of my head as my mom continues to yell at my father on the phone. As soon as she gets off of the phone, I know that anger is going to be for me next. 

"That's your son!" Silence. "Both? Oh now they are both? Andrew, this is nonsense! I'm tired! I'm tired of this! All they do is fight and argue!" More silence.

She looks at me with a glare causing my eyes to fall.

"Oh yea? I raised your son, not you! I taught him how to piss in the toilet! I taught him about sex, Andrew!" My eyes closes as she goes on. "Haha, and you must feel like such a smart man!"

"He is just my son now? Oh ok. I had both the vagina and the penis huh, Andrew?" She slams some of her paperwork down. 

All around the staircase there are holes from the fall. His head had hit the stairs, but he was still coherent enough to try to run again. 

"Yes, because my son is out of control. Isaac had done nothing wrong, right? He never does anything!" Again, she yells. "He is not the problem, Isaac is." 

She slams another batch of her papers down. "You know what, I am done with this. No-no-no-no, Andrew, I will not listen to you tell me that my son is nothing but trouble and a problem child. I had enough of you and your lies."

"Mom-" She cuts me off and yells some more on the phone. "A bad parent! You are the bad parent. He cannot even stand to be in the same room with you! No, it is not because of me!" 

Listening to this conversation is just painful and I, honestly, don't want to hear any more of it. Of course, my father would think I'm this kid that beats on his brother for no reason. No, that little bitch got what was coming. That was years and years of pent up anger. He deserved every last blow.

"Andrew, enough. Enough!" She hangs up the phone and ruffles her hair before sighing out with anger. 

"Why did I ever sleep with him, Kai?" I laugh a little at this before she brushes her hair back. "Kai, honey..."

"I'm fine. I long since stopped caring. He doesn't have to be a father to me. I don't care. I'll be eighteen next year. It was a little too late for him anyway." I press the icepack to my head as a headache begins to form. 

I can't believe that bitch threw a lamp at me. 

"...I know what Isaac did was wrong, Kai. I do understand that. But..." Her eyes fall.

"No, mom, you don't understand. For years, he has done this to me! He even told everyone I was dating Adrian and caused all of that to begin with. He deserved it!" 

"Two wrongs don't make a right."

"Sure as hell felt right to me."

"Language, Kai." 

I press the pack harder onto my head as she comes over and kisses the top of my head with a sigh. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Just send me away like what every other rich parent does when their child grows to be a problem," I drawl causing her to hit me.


"I know you've been thinking about it, mom.  I'm not dumb..."

"That was- Kai, that was before you stopped acting how you were before we moved here. I thought I was doing something wrong. God, Kai, sometimes I just thought you purposely made it hard for me because of Andrew and I."

I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️Where stories live. Discover now