Teruko/Yoruko Kabuya x Teruya Otori

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Warning: intoxication

After a couple months in the Isle of Nowhere, the class decided to throw another party since the first one was very successful. Even with somebody sneaking in drinks, nobody actually died from alcohol poisoning or otherwise, so the group agreed to formally bring alcohol on the condition that the group drink responsibly. And since Monocrow believed that debauchery was par for the course, the decision was put through.

Just like with the first party, the same committee had gathered together to plan for their second party. Setsuka, Hajime, Yoruko, Sora, Yuki, Mikado, and Monocrow were sitting around an empty table in the amnesiac's dorm room to share their ideas.

"So, gang? First things first, where should we hold the party this time?" Setsuka began. "Should we do it at the guest house again?"

"No, we've already did that, we should add some variety." Yuki countered. "What about in Higa City? Surely there's a place that can hold all of us, right?"

"I'm afraid that may be too perilous to your safety." Monocrow interjected. "As a teacher, I have to make sure that my students don't get hurt or lost in their drunken stupor."

"Then how about the break room in the Tower of Babel?" Hajime suggested. "If I guard the door, then nobody can get out and nobody will get hurt from anything on the outside."

"Good idea! We can definitely use that!" Yoruko chirped. "But what about the food and drinks? Mikado can't use his magic in the tower, so it would be tiring for him to keep going back and forth between the tower entrance and the break room."

"Never fear, I will be able to manage!" The wizard chuckled. "Though I will admit, I am quite tired from using my magic to clean. Would you mind if I crash in your room while you're out, Ms. Sora? I need to recharge my energy before preparing my mana."

"Sure, go right ahead." Sora permitted. "If we have everything in order, then I'll gather all of you at six in the evening to set up the break room for the party. Mikado, you better have prepared the first round of food by then."

"In addition, I will also suspend the rule about the Monocruise locking its doors just for tonight. Please make sure that there are a few sober students to help the drunk ones back to their dorms." The crow requested.

Later that evening, the party had been set up and the class was slowly making their way into the break room of the Tower of Babel. Yoruko, Mikado, Hajime, Hibiki, and Iroha had decided to stay sober, though only the hostess, boxer, and wizard actually played an active role during the party. Yoruko would take the food items from Mikado and put then on the tables as well as take requests, Mikado would make the food, and Hajime would guard the door to prevent anyone from getting out.

An hour into the party, and a lot of people were various levels of drunk. Kanade had somehow snuck a stereo into the room, so the highlights of the party were Yuri stripping while dancing to the music and Utsuro downing a bottle of sake. If Yoruko weren't a hostess, she would be at her wit's end by now.

As she set down another platter of sandwiches from Mikado, wondering how the hell her classmates seemed to have bottomless stomachs, she heard Teruya stumbling up beside her. "You look tired." He slurred his words as he looked at her with a concerned expression. "Why don't you enjoy the party? I can do your job for you, I'm technically qualified to handle things..."

"Teruya, you're drunk out of your mind. Go dance with Nikei or something, I'm a little busy at the moment." She declined with a smile. "Don't worry about me, just go enjoy the party." She knew that she had to at least fake a smile to make sure that the drunk person in front of her wouldn't be too unhappy, that was a lesson that Karia had drilled into her head.

"Ehehe, you're a pretty on the outside as you are on the inside, you know?" The merchant continued with a light smile.

"Pick up lines only work when I'm drunk." The hostess rolled her eyes with a smile. "Or rather, they work when you're sober. Otherwise, I won't take you seriously. Come on, let's go find somebody for you to dance with."

Grabbing Teruya's hands, she led him to the sleepy journalist and instructed the merchant to keep an eye on him if he wanted to help her. Yoruko later stayed late at the party and made sure that everybody got back to the Monocruise, safe and sound. After she and Mikado finished cleaning up the room, they both collapsed and fell asleep in the break room and had to be carried back over Hajime's shoulders.

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