Kokoroha/Iroha Nijiue x Kokoro Mitsume

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Iroha was walking along the docks of the third island, looking for someone to drag into going with her on the bigger rollercoasters, when she noticed how cool the view of the rollercoasters looked from afar. Getting out her sketchbook, she saw this as a chance to do a painting of this island and try to capture all the fun in it like a photograph. She just had to sketch it first.

The painter sat down and tried to find a good angle, squinting and even going on her stomach to try and see the different aspects of the structures in the distance. She knew that the perfect angle would either make or break the piece. Finally, she laid down on her side and saw the perfect opportunity to draw the tall arches of the rollercoaster from this angle.

As she began sketching out the piece, she didn't notice someone else walking up, confused as to why she was laying on the ground. "Iroha, why are you on the ground?" A voice suddenly asked. Iroha didn't dare look up from the angle she was in.

"That voice...is that Kokoro?" The painter asked, continuing to sketch. "I-I'm a little busy at the moment. I'm trying to sketch this scene to paint later since I don't have my other art supplies with me. And now that I have the perfect angle, I can't move an inch."

"Hm, I see. Then, would you like me to keep you company while you sketch?" The psychologist asked. "Emma has been bugging me to interact with people more, but I don't see how that's a good thing for me. But even so, I should try just to make her stop."

"Yeah, that's Emma for you. Once she has her eyes set on something, she'll try to make it happen by any means, usually with a pun or two thrown in there." The shorter girl giggled, remembering all the petty bickering the actress had with Hajime over their meals.

"...Have you two known each other before coming to the island? Wait, no, you have." Kokoro suddenly spoke, and Iroha tensed up with a whimper. "Based on that response, I was correct, but it's not a topic you want brought up...I understand."

"Y-Your mind reading is scary..." Iroha remarked, carefully sketching an arch on her page.

"I only picked up conversational cues and body language, reading your emotions was not necessary. You wear your heart on your sleeve a lot. And you're a terrible liar." The psychologist replied. "I'm trying to work on organizing what I say before I say it, Emma nearly mauled me over it once."

"You might still need a bit of work on that, ehehe..." The painter nervously chuckled. "But the 'mauling,' it was over her past, right? ...I think that she really needs you. Both you and Sora, you two are good friends that she can drop her act for."

"I'll keep that in mind. Maybe I can start counselling sessions with her soon." Kokoro fell silent, looking over at Iroha's sketchbook. "You look like you're almost done your sketch."

"Actually, I think this is as far as I should go for now. This is only a sketch, after all." The brunette sat up, looking her sketch over and nodding, seeming pleased with how it turned out. She then looked at Kokoro with a smile. "Hey, we should go back to my room together! We can talk while I paint!"

Kokoro looked momentarily surprised at the idea, but the expression disappeared mere seconds later. "This conversation...has been entertaining. I'll go there with you. Maybe we can talk more while you paint." She agreed, and Iroha nearly squealed in joy.

A few minutes later, the two of them had walked together from the third island to the Monocruise, talking about today's search for hairpin materials on the way and how they planned to decorate their own hairpins when they were made. They went to Iroha's dorm and Kokoro sat down and watched as Iroha set up her canvas. Kokoro picked out a long book on the history of painting in the meantime.

Iroha kept talking while she painted. "So, Hajime agreed to play video games with me and help me go outside afterwards with my legs! And we smoked that game too!" She exclaimed.

"I hardly believe that, based on how you talk. You've never smoked anything in your life." The psychologist evenly replied.

"Fueh?! N-No, I mean we beat it really good, that's all!" Iroha yelped, slightly amusing Kokoro. "A-And we had fun, that's what matters, right?"

The psychologist nodded, noticing that the painting was looking really well so far. "Yes, I suppose that's what matters most. Your painting looks good so far."

"Ehehe, thank you!" The painter chirped, basking in the small praise. "I hope that I can finish this soon, I can't wait to show everyone!"

"I think they'll like it." Kokoro agreed.

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