Hashimae/Yuki Maeda x Syobai Hashimoto

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As Yuki and Utsuro wandered through the halls of the Monocruise, they noticed that Syobai was leaning against a wall and reading a book. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be investigating today?" Yuki questioned, getting the broker's attention.

Syobai looked up from the book, annoyed already from being disturbed. "Nah, today's my day off. I'm counting the supplies later." He responded curtly. "Are you finished with your investigations?"

"Utsuro and I am, but I don't know about the others." The lucky student replied. "We've already placed the things we've found in the dining hall, but the others should be arriving shortly."

"Huh. Well, guess that means I've got to get to work." The broker closed his book and put it under his arm with a sigh. "Maybe if I start it early, it'll be done faster."

"Do you want me to help you with that?" Yuki suggested. "It'll go even quicker if the two of us are counting the supplies together."

"I don't need your help, why don't you just go- What the-?!" Syobai was suddenly interrupted by Utsuro shoving the lucky student into the broker, making them fall into a heap. "What the hell was that for? You just want me to babysit your younger brother, don't you?" He groaned.

"Cry me a river." Utsuro replied and walked away, leaving the other two to struggle to their feet.

"Wait, Utsuro!" Yuki yelled out as he got to his feet, but the other ginger had disappeared. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into him."

"It's fine. If I don't take you along, he's just going to bother me later. Come on." Syobai grabbed Yuki by the arm and quickly walked from his spot in the hallway to the dining hall, where a couple people were dropping off their collected items.

The two of them stepped inside, seeing the slowly growing pile. Syobai just sighed and stepped over to a chair, where a list and instructions were left by Monocrow. "Alright, let's see this... He wants spare parts for the ship's engine? Alright, nothing out of my range." The broker turned to Yuki. "Hey, normie boy. Do me a favour and sort the metallic items from the non-metallic ones. If you find any hardware tools, put them in a third pile. I gotta see how to put this shit together."

"A-Alright!" The lucky student replied, quickly getting to work. Syobai just looked back at the instructions, seeing that Monocrow had made a step-by-step guide on how to make spare engine parts. The broker found this amusing, but he continued to read it over to refresh himself on how to make them.

When he looked back at Yuki, he saw that the smaller boy had finished sorting everything into three piles. "Well damn, you work fast." He remarked.

"Ehehe, um, I tried my best." The lucky student blushed at the praise. He then gathered up the pile of tools and moved them towards Syobai, and the broker organized them based on whether he needed them in order to make the spare parts or not.

"Here, I'll tell you what to hand me. Got it?" He asked. "I need the metal sheets there and a few screws."

"Got it, here!" Yuki replied, handing him the materials. With their system of Yuki handing objects to the taller boy, who proceeded to put the parts together quickly and strategically, the two of them had finished in no time. "Wow, that was surprisingly fast! I don't think the other sorters are here yet!" The lucky student remarked.

"Well, they can count the remaining materials for all I care." Syobai huffed.

"Hey, why don't we go get some food from the mart?" Yuki suggested. "You're probably hungry now, right? That was a lot of work..."

Syobai looked at him silently before sighing. "You know, you'd probably be good in the broker business with those puppy eyes of yours. Come on then, normie boy." This time, Yuki began dragging Syobai towards the exit of the Monocruise, and Mikado quietly watched from another hallway, jealous that they could run while he was stuck with a pair of crutches.

At the O-Mart in Higa City, Yuki surveyed the foods and tried to pick some out that Syobai might like. The broker raised an eyebrow at him but took the food anyways, not being a person who would waste a free meal. Even when Syobai tried to be alone, Yuki kept following him like a puppy trailing after their owner until Utsuro finally came to pick him up.

After the ginger twins left, Syobai was finally alone again. He was happy that he wasn't going to be disturbed anymore, but he would never say out loud that he might have enjoyed his time with the lucky student.

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