Setsunade/Setsuka Chiebukuro x Kanade Otonokoji

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After Setsuka helped Hibiki decorate the guest house for Shinji's birthday party, they had left the building in time for lunch. Setsuka had heard that Mikado was making breaded chicken 'donuts' with cheese sauce paired with a salad of fried root vegetables, so she sure wasn't going to be missing today's lunch.

With a spring in her step, the billiards player made her way back towards the Monocruise with Hibiki and Sora right behind her. "Setsuka, could you put aside some food for me? I'm covered in dust and need a shower, so I'm going to be late." Sora requested.

"Of course, Ra-ra! I'm sure that Kado wouldn't mind if I explained it to him, he wouldn't want anyone to get sick!" Setsuka promised, and Sora smiled back in gratitude. The walk after that was uneventful, with the three girls making small talk until they arrived at the ship they called home.

Sora went upstairs, but Setsuka and Hibiki went into the dining hall. Inside, Hibiki immediately went to sit next to her sister, who had already gotten food for them, while Setsuka went to serve herself. Just as she had heard, the food that Mikado served looked absolutely delicious. She served herself a few 'donuts' with the dipping sauce and put a bunch of vegetables on her plate.

"Hey, Kado, Ra-ra's in the shower from dusting, so I'm setting aside a plate for her." The billiards player informed, just as she promised.

"Alright, I'll use a spell to make sure that it doesn't get cold, just until she comes back." The wizard agreed, watching as Setsuka filled the albino's plate and casting the spell over it when she was finished. She put the plate beside her as she sat down at her usual spot.

Setsuka surveyed the room and took in how the others were doing. Mikado seemed as cheerful as ever, if only a bit tired from starting to conserve his magic, Shinji, Yuki, and Hajime were discussing their training that morning and planning to train in the afternoon, Emma was trying to feed Kokoro her meal, which the psychologist kept resisting, Teruya and Iroha talked about rainbows while Yuri was pretending that he wasn't listening in, Yoruko and Nikei were bickering while Syobai occasionally jumped in with some fact checks, and the twins were chatting with each other.

As she looked over the twins, Setsuka noticed that Kanade seemed troubled for some reason. The billiards player decided that she should talk to the guitarist after lunch and find out what's wrong. But for now, she happily dug in and enjoyed every bit of food that Mikado made. Honestly, if Mikado prepared fish for a meal, she would eat it up happily, even if it was her least favourite food.

After everybody had finished and the plates had been stacked for Monocrow to take away and clean, Setsuka hurried and caught up with the twins as they went into the hallway. "Hey, Kana? Can I talk to you in private?" She quickly asked.

"A-Ah, sure." The confused guitarist replied as Hibiki hugged both of them before leaving. Setsuka was proud that Hibiki was slowly becoming less dependent on the people around her and more mature, her best friend really was getting stronger.

Setsuka quickly brought Kanade to the warehouse and closed the door behind them. "Sorry to bother you like this, but you seemed troubled during lunch. I didn't want to bring it up in front of the others, I figured you'd prefer privacy." The billiards player stated.

Kanade sighed and her expression became more depressed. "I didn't think that you of all people would see through me. Yeah, I'm really worried at the moment, I can't lie here." She sighed.

Setsuka wasn't used to seeing Kanade like this, it was a little jarring. "My only question is why you're worried. We're fine on this island, there's plenty of food, water, sanitary equipment-"

"We're not 'fine'. Ever since Monocrow told us that it was Shinji's birthday soon, we now have a date to track the days by, and I know for sure that Hibiki writes a diary of everything that happens every day." Kanade growled. "It's been two months, Setsuka. Just let that sink in. Two months, and the reason we're being kept here is because of an apocalyptic situation." Her breathing grew heavier with each word.

Without a warning, Setsuka suddenly pulled Kanade close to her chest and held her there in a hug. After a few seconds, the guitarist started breaking down in light crying. Setsuka sighed, all of the stress from these revelations was too much for one of her smartest classmates. 

Setsuka didn't plan on leaving for a long time, and she carded her fingers through the smaller girl's hair as she finally got the chance to cry.

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