Setsukado/Setsuka Chiebukuro x Mikado Sannoji

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As Setsuka stepped outside of the Monocruise, she felt the light of the sunbeams warm her body up. Despite it being November, according to Monocrow, it still was sunny and warm with no trace of cold or snow. Setsuka had a feeling that this was one of those 'islands of eternal summers' that was close to the equator, which could be possible going off of Kokoro's observation that this was an artificial island.

Setsuka shrugged and figured that she was too dumb to question it further, and she went down the stairs and began walking around the first island. Surprisingly, she was the first one outside - besides Shinji and Hajime, of course - and she marvelled at how quiet it was. Yoruko had gone to snuggle with Emma, which was why Setsuka walked alone. 

As she considered messaging the twins and telling them to come out and enjoy the sun with her, she noticed somebody sitting on the park bench. She walked closer to them and was surprised to see Mikado of all people there. He seemed to be half-asleep as he had a styrofoam cup of coffee beside him, and he was eating a bento of the food from the mart.

Setsuka headed over to where he was with a smile. "Yo, Kado! What are you doing out here, all alone like this?" She questioned, sitting down on the bench next to him.

"Huh, who are you...? Ah, Ms. Chiebukuro." The wizard replied, finally recognizing her through his sleepiness. "Good morning. I thought you would be eating breakfast with the others."

"I woke up before the announcement and had breakfast while it was still hot, then I decided to go out for a walk." The billiards player answered him. "And what about you? It isn't like you to be away from everyone else."

"Well, I heard that there was going to be a large game of Go Fish organized at breakfast, but I don't know how to play. I thought that it would be better if I got some fresh air while eating rather than just sit there uselessly." Mikado sighed. "There's so much I want to do with everyone, but I don't know how. On the first day, I wanted to frolic in the water with you, but I don't know how to swim."

"Aw, it that it? You know, it's okay to ask for help when you don't now things, even if it's humiliating." Setsuka put her arm over the blonde's shoulders. "Tell you what, I can teach you to swim if you want! There's a pool with a shallow end at the third island, so as long as you can find a swimsuit, then I can help you!"

"...You really will? My goodness, thank you very much!" Mikado chirped. "Let me finish eating, then we can go there!"

After Mikado quickly finished his breakfast, the two of them headed over to Satsuki Land and went to Department C together. Once they arrived at the pool, they went into separate changerooms to find their swimsuits. Setsuka already knew where hers was, but she had to wait a little for Mikado to come out in his swimsuit.

"Alright, the first thing you have to learn is getting used to weightlessness." Setsuka instructed. "Have you been in water before, Kado?"

"N-Not in my life, I'm quite ashamed to say." The wizard replied, his mask blushing a little from the embarrassment. "Is that what I am to start with?"

"Yep! The hot tub is over there, let's go in there. And try to keep your head above the water, I'll rescue you if you need it." The billiards player guided Mikado over to the top tub and led him in. The two of them sat next to each other in two of the edge seats, and Setsuka watched the blonde instantly relax.

"Goodness, this feels amazing. How have I not known this before...?" Mikado drowsily murmured.

"Hehe, you look really blissed out, Kado. What would Monocrow say if he found you slacking like this?" She teased. "Aah, I'm just kidding, you won't get in trouble. I mean, we can go steal some fireworks and get in trouble for that if you want!"

"Hm, maybe later. It's so spacious and calm in this building, someone could get ambushed in here..." Mikado seemed to snap out of his daze immediately. "Goodness, this heat is making my brain go to weird places. I suppose the caffeine hasn't kicked in yet."

"Eh, I've heard - and seen - weirder. You remember when Ri did a striptease at the first party?" Setsuka laughed. "I think he scarred poor Biki for life!"

"I was cooking in the back room, I didn't see it." Mikado chuckled. "I don't even think Mr. Kagarin was drunk at the time."

The two of them continued talking like that for a while as Mikado got used to the water, and Setsuka planned on taking him into the shallow end of the pool next.

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