Yorukasai/Yoruko Kabuya x Shinji Kasai

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"Hey, Shinji! How are you doing this morning?" Yoruko asked as she walked into the gym. Monocrow had given everyone a day off from searching for materials, so the hostess was going to try and work out in the gym to give herself a bit of muscle. She was surprised that Shinji was in the gym and not outside, but her surprise diminished drastically when she saw Yuki collapsed on the floor.

"O-Oh! H-H-Hi, Yoruko..." Shinji stammered, his face immediately going red from being in the presence of a girl. "I-I-I'm just working out w-w-with Yuki...it's n-nothing too big..."

"Just...finished...push-ups..." The lucky student briefly filled in between gasps. Yoruko noted with amusement that the smaller boy didn't even try to get up from the floor. With Shinji too flustered in front of the hostess, he wasn't trying to make Yuki get up.

"W-What are you d-doing here?" The firefighter meekly asked as the girl stepped around the boys. "Y-You don't usually come here..."

"Oh, I just figured that maybe I should try my hand at working out a little, it might come in handy in the long run." Yoruko briefly explained. "Weights might not be at my level, seeing as how the small hand ones are way above my strength range, so maybe I can just do some exercises. I even changed into a gym shirt and shorts for it, so it wouldn't hurt to try."

"Big Bro...could help..." Yuki suggested as he tried to make an effort to move up off the floor. "He said...I've finished training...for today...but he isn't..."

"Y-Y-YUKI!" Shinji exclaimed as his face went redder than anything Yoruko had seen so far. "I-I-I-I-"

"Sure, I'd love your help, Shinji!" The hostess spoke up. "You're really good at training, so I'm sure that you could help a beginner like me!"

"I-I-Isn't it weird that you're going t-to me instead of Hajime...?" The firefighter whimpered. "H-He's a lot better at training than I am..."

"I'm not weird, you're just basic." Yoruko scoffed. "Come on, let's go outside. There's a lot more space to train there."

After the hostess had dragged Shinji outside the Monocruise, providing an escape for the lucky student. The firefighter had reluctantly agreed to help give exercises and coach Yoruko as she worked out at Utsuroshima Park on the first island.

"F-First, just do a couple laps around the park...I mean, if you want to..." Shinji whimpered as the hostess began to run. The park was quite small compared to her middle school's gym where the teachers forced her to run, but a couple laps already had her wanting to stop running.

Not wanting to push herself too much, Yoruko ran back to Shinji after she had finished her laps. "Alright, what next?" She asked, hoping that he would at least give her some stationary exercises.

"Err, n-next, start with some sit-ups. You don't want to overexhaust your legs, so maybe work on your abdominal muscles..." The firefighter instructed, stammering and forcing out his words all the while.

"Alright, I'll do that. Could you hold my feet?" The hostess requested, getting down to the ground and lying on her back with her knees bent. Shinji began sputtering flustered protests, but he did what she had asked of him in the end.

Yoruko struggled a bit with sit-ups since she wasn't used to exercising - she made a mental note to work out often to fix that - but she managed to do ten of them before Shinji suggested that she stop. The hostess was aiming to do twenty sit-ups in total, so she compromised by doing fifteen.

"Alright, how about I do some push-ups next?" Yoruko started to pant as her determined smile never left.

"S-Sure..." The firefighter agreed quietly. "But start with five for now, you don't want to wear out your body too much..."

Five push-ups seemed agreeable, seeing how she found Yuki collapsed on the floor with them, so she quickly got into position. She never really liked push-ups much, but she knew that they worked to help people's strength, otherwise it wouldn't be a regular part of exercises.

After she managed to get her five done while Shinji counted, the hostess sat back down with a tired gasp. "Alright, that's five...is there anything else I need to do?" She questioned.

"Y-You'll want to stretch after every exercise..." The firefighter advised. "You'll get m-muscle cramps if you don't."

At his advice, Yoruko stretched out her legs and arms while sitting on the ground, reaching towards her feet and trying her best to not pull a muscle while doing so. After she felt like she had stretched enough, she got up and hugged Shinji, who began to blush furiously.

"Thanks for helping me today, Shinji. I'll call you if I need more help with exercising in the future, okay?" The hostess released the firefighter, who began stammering an incoherent mess of words, and headed back to the Monocruise to take a shower and change her clothes.

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