Hibikasai/Hibiki Otonokoji x Shinji Kasai

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"Gh-! This is so heavyyy!" Hibiki groaned as she used all of her weak strength to help carry a box. Iroha and Kokoro took the smaller ones since they have less muscle mass and experience lifting things.

Everyone was moving boxes today since Monocrow had issued a new project on their scavenging to-do list: their next assignment was to copy and build another one of the houses in the Nameless Village on the second island. 

Monocrow wanted to have an alternate space for the Ultimates on the island so they would have somewhere to sleep if they were locked out at night by accident or by choice, and he planned to abolish the "only allowed to sleep on the Monocruise" rule. It was a good idea, but this also meant that they needed to build the houses themselves. Thankfully, Monocrow provided the materials they couldn't find, and the 'smart quartet' was paid extra to replicate the gas, electricity, and plumbing of the houses.

Hibiki was carrying a box of metal parts since she was one of the people on shift right now, and the amount inside was challenging to lift for someone like her. To her credit, she had built up a bit more muscle during her stay on the island, she wouldn't have been able to lift this at all at the beginning of the trip.

She managed to carry the box from the warehouse, down the ramp, and all the way to the bridge to the second island, then she needed to put her box down to rest her arms and catch her breath. For a small girl like her, it was difficult to carry heavy things long distances. She didn't expect to hear footsteps nearby though. 

She looked up and saw Shinji, who looked down at her with a worried expression. "Uh, H-Hibiki? Are you alright?" He asked, and Hibiki held back a giggle. Shinji was trying so hard to get used to girls living with him and flirting, but he always got so flustered either way.

"Yeah, but my arms are tired. This thing is pretty heavy, I wish I got a lighter box instead." She grumbled. "But still, I try my best. And this is where it got me." 

"H-Here, put yours on top of mine." The firefighter offered, kneeling down so she could reach better. Hibiki stood up happily and used the rest of her strength to lift the box onto the pile. "There, now both of these can be delivered at once."

"Thank you, Jiji!" The vocalist chirped, and Shinji's face went bright red as he stood back up and began carrying the boxes to the Nameless Village. Hibiki happily walked next to him with a smile, hoping that things would be easier with his help.

Once they arrived at the construction sites, Shinji put the boxes down and put Hibiki's box on the ground next to it. "That has all of the nails and stuff, right?" He inquired as he opened his own box.

"Yep! Monocrow gave it all to me, so it has the stuff we need!" She exclaimed, opening her own box and proving her point. "Um, I'm not good at this construction stuff, so I'll just hand you things when you need them! I hope that's alright!"

"Yeah, you're right, that's what you need to do." The firefighter was beginning to regain his composure now that he had a job to do that could be dangerous if handled unwisely. "I'll tell you what you need to hand me as well, just so you don't get confused."

There weren't many people working on building houses, but Yuri was working on the plumbing in the next house over, Kanade was trying to handle the gas pipes, Kokoro was working on another house's electricity, and Iroha was hammering nails into the same house. Shinji and Hibiki were supposed to help put up another wall by hammering pieces in and putting things up. 

Hibiki had nimble fingers that could reach into tight spaces, and she could hand things to Shinji, so she was chosen to help him since her sister and Iroha were otherwise occupied. "Just leave it to me, Jiji! We can do this!" She cheered, and Shinji chuckled at that.

"Alright then, can you pass me the hammer and a couple of nails?" He requested, and she handed them over immediately. He began to hammer the wooden boards into place, and she happily stayed by his side to help him. She believed that she and Shinji could get this done quickly...but she would be severely disappointed.

Building the exterior of the wooden house took four and a half hours with Shinji's strength, and both he and Hibiki were drained by the end of it. They both ended up collapsing in front of the air conditioning vents in one of the functioning houses.

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