Hibikado/Hibiki Otonokoji x Mikado Sannoji

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Mikado always had a chronic urge to be doing something productive or be with somebody, that was made clear to the rest of the students quickly. He often went to other people in order to be with them, but he could be driven away quickly when he wasn't wanted around.

His next steps to keep him busy were to first try some meditation, which was his go-to activity in his spare time. He did it frequently in order to recharge his mana, but it wasn't running low all the time. His next activity to keep himself busy was to try out new cooking recipes and combinations to see which ones would be good to serve to his classmates.

But when his second option didn't work or if he didn't feel like trying something new out, his third choice of activity was to go play some music. There was a piano in the auditorium, so he liked to take music sheets and head there to play some classical music. Sure, staying alone and reading a book was his last resort, but he felt like he was actually doing something worthwhile as he played the piano.

Today, he decided to head to the auditorium with his arms full of piano music by Chopin, and he happily sat down and began setting up his sheets. Everyone was off to play in the snow at the fourth island, which has grown more for unknown reasons, but Mikado couldn't go into the cold due to specializing in fire, cold and hot do not mix well.

After a couple minutes, all of the sheets were set up, and Mikado began playing the piano. The harmony that resounded through the auditorium was captivating, and even the one playing it became drawn into the sounds produced. Time began to pass as Mikado continued playing the piano, and he didn't know what time it was when he finished.

When he turned around to stretch and look around a little, he was surprised to find none other than Hibiki in the doorway of the auditorium, peeping around the door and staring. He thought she looked almost like a doll staring like that, but he pushed that thought down. He realized that he was so caught up in the music that he never noticed her opening in the door. 

"Well, don't just stand there. Come in." He teasingly invited, and Hibiki let out a huff as she went through the doorway and into the room. "Huhu, I take it you enjoyed my performance?"

"I honestly haven't seen anyone actually play the piano before, I'm terrible at it, and Kanade doesn't even play it at all." The vocalist remarked. "I thought that pianos were for old guys that died centuries ago, but you look pretty good for your age." Her face then went bright red and she began to panic. "Um, I need to rephrase that!"

"No need, I got what you meant." The wizard chuckled, which seemed to calm the flustered vocalist a little. "But yes, I can play a myriad of songs on piano as long as I have some sheet music to read."

"Huh, is that true...?" Hibiki began to wonder, then she started running to the door. "I'll be right back! Don't go anywhere!"

Mikado was confused, but he did as instructed and waited there at the piano. After a few minutes, Hibiki came back with her own arms full of sheet music. "Hm? Oh, did you want me to play something?" He asked.

"This is sheet music I was hoping to get Kanade to practice with me, but she went outside to play in the snow, even though I didn't want to. These are guitar sheets, but I think they'll work fine with a piano too!" She explained, handing them over to him. "The first song is in D augmented!"

"Hm, this seems like fun. I've never done a pop song on piano before." The wizard turned back to the piano and replaced his classical sheets with Hibiki's, then warmed up with the D augmented scale in order to get the notes right. "Alright," he finally spoke, "ready when you are."

"And a one, two, three, four!" Hibiki called out, and Mikado began playing the piano to the tempo that she called out. The sounds of Hibiki's vocals accompanied by the piano were heavenly, yet nobody was around to listen to it. A symphony with only two people, yet just as beautiful.

The two of them went over many songs, working together to help correct the music sheets with small errors, and trying again and again to make sure that the notes were perfect. At the end of their practicing, Hibiki ended up tackling Mikado in a hug, which ended up knocking him out of his seat.

Since he ended up hitting his head, they had gone to the infirmary to get him an ice pack. "The irony here is that I stayed inside to avoid the cold." Mikado joked, holding the pack to the back of his head while Hibiki chuckled sheepishly.

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