Shinruya/Teruya Otori x Shinji Kasai

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A couple days after he was struck with a fever, Teruya soon began to feel better with proper rest and medicine. Mikado seemed relieved that Teruya could hold down proper food instead of separate light bowls of broth that the wizard made especially for him, mostly miso and vegetable-based kinds that Teruya liked.

Despite being able to walk to the dining hall, Mikado still put him on a diet of light foods for a couple more days, instructing the people beside Teruya to keep and eye on him and make sure that he doesn't touch anything too filling. Teruya slipped Kanade a twenty to let him have some potato salad, and the wizard didn't catch their deal.

Teruya was put on sorting duty instead of scavenging resources or cleaning the islands since he was supposed to do light work until Monocrow was sure he was better, so he was incredibly bored and actively resisting the urge to throw Utsuro for the hell of it.

That's when Teruya got an amazing idea. Swimming didn't count as a high-effort exercise, right? If he could go swimming in the ocean, then he could burn off all his energy and still not be doing any heavy work! But the problem was that he wasn't allowed to go outside the Monocruise. It wasn't an official rule, but Mikado had been told by Monocrow to keep an eye an Teruya and the wizard had not let him off the ship yet.

Teruya quickly headed to the laundry room and grabbed his swimsuit, excited to find a solution to his cabin fever. He headed up the stairs and got another idea: what if he jumped off the balcony at the fourth floor? Sure, he might get yelled at for wearing his usual rainbow speedo, but he technically wouldn't need to go by Mikado to get outside, even though he might just get even more pissed off.

As he headed up the stairs, he made a quick stop in his room to change into his swimsuit, then excitedly continued to the fourth floor and burst through the doors. He didn't expect to see Nikei and Hajime on the balcony too, talking and laughing with each other before looking over at Teruya.

"Hey, what the hell's the swimsuit for? The public bath is a couple floors down, you missed it." Nikei remarked.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing!" Teruya exclaimed. "You know how I'm not allowed on the mainland and the bath is too shallow to swim in? Well, if I want to get some sort of relief from this stupid cabin fever through swimming, jumping off the balcony is the best way to do that!"

"Wait, what?! No, Teruya, the water isn't deep enough to jump from this height!" Hajime cried out.

"Oh, I can see the headlines now: 'local merchant stupidly breaks his legs trying to get around Monocrow's rule'." The journalist joked. "Really though, it's a terrible idea. Believe me, I've been there."

"Well, what the hell am I supposed to do?! Mikado won't let me out the goddamn ship, so I gotta make do somehow!" The merchant shot back.

As they argued, Shinji appeared on the balcony. "Hey, what's all the yelling about?" He asked.

"Great timing! This idiot's planning to jump off the balcony into the water!" Nikei spoke up.

"No, Teruya, you shouldn't- DAMMIT, TERUYA!" The firefighter yelled as the merchant managed to vault himself over the railing and into the water.

Fifteen minutes later, Shinji had carried Teruya into the infirmary and was treating him for his sprained ankle. "I warned you. He warned you. Your freaking mom warned you." The firefighter scolded, wrapping Teruya's ankle in bandage wrap and preparing a cast.

"Hajime's not my mom." Teruya huffed grumpily, sulking as the sound of Mikado laughing his ass off rang through the hallway.

"Hajime is everyone's mom." Shinji sighed. "But seriously, Teruya, if you had really bad cabin fever, you could've asked someone to play cards or chess or something in the game room with you instead."

"Honestly, I got fed up with light work and not moving around. My fever's passed, there was no need to treat me like I'm made of glass." The merchant sighed and laid back on the bed as the firefighter worked. "But I guess I can't do much now either since my ankle's busted."

"And whose fault is that?" The redhead replied rhetorically. "Well, at least we don't need to have Mikado guard the entrance anymore. I think he's kinda bored of that too. But we'll make sure that you have stuff to do, okay?"

Teruya smiled, wincing as pressure was put on his ankle. "Y-Yeah, I'd like that. Thanks." He chuckled painfully. 

By the time supper came to the dining hall, everybody had found out how exactly Teruya managed to sprain his ankle right after getting his fever.

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