Setsuroha/Setsuka Chiebukuro x Iroha Nijiue

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"H-Honestly, I thought Monocrow was joking in the rules when he said that there were monsters at night..." Iroha grumbled, picking up her broom as Setsuka walked beside her with a bucket of cleaning supplies. "That's the only reason that he would have to issue a cleaning day..."

"The fact that this place got dirty enough for Monocrow to issue something like that means that we've been here for almost a month now. I get that Monocrow wants to protect us from what Teru calls 'the Tragedy', but all we get is that it's the apocalypse. Nobody tells us how it started or even what we were doing prior to it." Setsuka sighed. "Well, we don't have magic like Kado or amazing cleaning skills like Sora, so we can't do this quickly on our own. At least we get to group up to clean this islands."

"Y-Yeah, but do we have to clean the creepy tower?" The painter whimpered.

"Kado already said that he'd clean the rest of the island, so we're honestly lucky to be handling just this. Besides, he said that he'd help us out when he was finished his part." The taller girl reminded. "Now, we should start cleaning from the top of the tower. That way, when he works his way up from the bottom, we can meet in the middle."

"Wow, that's smart! Yeah, let's hurry over to the tower!" Iroha exclaimed chipperly, practically bouncing on the spot in excitement. They hurried over to the Tower of Babel so they could begin cleaning, but the closer they got, the more nervous the tiny painter seemed to get.

As the two of them approached the steps, Iroha seemed to be hesitant to get on the stairs. Setsuka quickly took notice of this and frowned. "Roha, what's wrong? You look scared." She gently placed her hand on the smaller girl's shoulder.

"Um...I'm afraid. Of heights, I mean." Iroha muttered, looking up at the tall winding staircase that ascended. "I've never really been up so high before, I've always avoided the higher parts of the tower because of that. This is the first time that I'll go to the top..."

"Aw, it's okay. Would you like me to carry you up there, Roha?" The billiards players offered. The painter silently nodded, and Setsuka wrapped one arm around her back and another over her skirt, lifting her up and holding the light girl close to her chest. Iroha squeezed her eyes shut and wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Setsuka. After making sure that she wouldn't drop the painter, Setsuka began heading up the stairs.

The billiards player's heart hurt as she heard Iroha's whimpers as she went up the stairs, it seemed like the tiny girl held onto her tighter with each step she took up the stairs. Setsuka began to walk faster up the stairs, always minding her step as to not trip, hoping to get to the top quickly and help Iroha not be overly scared anymore.

After about five minutes, the girls finally reached the top. "Alright, we're far away from the stairs. I'm going to put you down now." Setsuka informed, slowly lowering the painter to the ground.

After Iroha had regained her bearings, she began to blush. "Th-Thanks for helping're very comfortable to lean against." She admitted, and Setsuka began to blush in turn.

"Is that so...? Well, at least we're at the top now! I'm going to have to go back down to grab our cleaning supplies, but you can stay up here until I get back!" The taller girl turned and walked back down the stairs, but Iroha didn't go anywhere near the railing at all.

After fifteen more minutes, Setsuka returned with all of the cleaning supplies, completely exhausted. After the billiards player walked away from the railing and put down the cleaning supplies, she immediately collapsed against the wall and sat on the floor, panting.

Without a second thought, Iroha hurried to her side to make sure she was alright. After seeing that she wasn't hurt, the painter sat down beside her and curled up into the taller girl's side. "After we're all done cleaning the tower, do you want to come to the second island with me? Yoruko leant me a cookbook, I want to try and bake something. Maybe some cookies!" Iroha chirped, feeling comforted as Setsuka put her arm around her.

"That...sounds nice." The billiards player smiled. "What kind do you want to make?"

"Chocolate chip! I know the T-Mart on the second island stocks those, I saw Nikei eating a while bag of them the other day!" The painter happily replied. 

The two girls stayed like that until Setsuka had gotten her breath back, and they began working together to clean the tower until they met up with Mikado, just as Setsuka had said. And when they made cookies later, the were the most delicious that Iroha had ever eaten.

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