Teruyuri/Teruya Otori x Yuri Kagarin

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Finally, Teruya was free from both his illness and his cast. He was given a stern warning by multiple people to not do something stupid again, including Monocrow. After he promised not to do something reckless again, he was finally allowed to leave the Monocruise. Honestly, Teruya couldn't be happier about it.

Of course, he was way more cautious with his ankle now, but he wanted to get some more exercise to make up for his time of being incapacitated. The feeling of the gentle island breeze and the warm sun against his skin was just too perfect for him to pass up. It was a beautiful day for a walk.

But as he walked alone, he had to wonder why he was dispatched to this island with Rei. Yes, it turned out that the whole intel about Mikado Sannoji being a threat was false, though the wizard had lashed out in self-defence, but who gave them the false intel? And if Monocrow stated that these Ultimates were here to be protected against the Tragedy outside of the island, then why did he remember that there were no Ultimate students at the moment? He would have to ask Mikado about that later.

As he went over to the second island to continue his walk, he spotted Yuri on the bridge. He seemed to be looking out at the water and enjoying the view. "Oh, hey! How's life, Yuri?" He greeted, as cheerful and laidback as ever.

The spaceman turned around with a huff and a disappointed expression. "Oh, it's you. I thought that I would be visited by one of the beautiful ladies here instead." He grumbled.

"Don't the 'beautiful ladies' ask you 'Are you even human?' when you get obsessive like that though?" The merchant retorted. "I mean, I know that Rei would kick my ass if I started acting like that towards her. If I'm honest though, she'd probably kick anyone's ass for any reason."

"Well, at least I'm not like those filthy men who treat women like mere pawns and only judge them for appearances. That's прискорбный, I tell you." Yuri remarked. "I always have a maid ask the workers of a company how they're treated before I do business with them."

"Yeah, I think it's unfair how bosses of multi-million dollar companies treat their workers like filth. It's why I refuse to let Otori Mart do business with Amazon and Disney, I don't want my company to be anything like theirs." Teruya agreed with a sad look. "I might be stupid, I'll admit it, but I'm not that dumb to treat my workers harshly just to make a profit."

"Hm, I suppose you are a decent boss, even if you are a male. As the heir of the Kagarin Conglomerate, I have to make sure that my business is able to employ workers not just for the pay, but for the decent working conditions." As the spaceman talked, his posture seemed to relax. "When I am finally in charge, I am hoping that I'll be able to expand the range of the business further from just the space industry. I want to be able to have businesses recognize the talents of people, have them train other employees to know these skills, and treat them what they're worth."

"I agree, and these workers also need higher pay to deal with the inevitable economy inflation and pay for their cost of living. I'm aware that the economy crashed because of the Tragedy, but with the world slowly returning to normal, we have to prepare for these things." The merchant rambled on. "A lot of people lost their jobs when major companies crashed, so I'm hoping to set up a few locations with a decent pay rate to help people get off their feet. And let's not forget the factors of global warming and that we still need to preserve the environment, especially after the wildfires and arson. The Amazon Rainforest got greatly reduced too, but Towa Group is thriving by making an air purifier device."

"Is that so? Well, we need to find a way to invent either a device that produces oxygen by combining elements or a new source of fuel until we can regrow the environment. Perhaps we can use radiation energy to use it all up and clean up the world, but then there's the atmosphere pollution problem." Yuri considered. "Tell me this, what does Otori Mart supply?"

"We supply and ship a great number of supplies and tools. Silverware, building foundations, blankets, artificial foods, clothing...I'd have to get you the list." Teruya smiled. "Are you suggesting that our companies partner up for the time being?"

"That's correct. Your company will be greatly rewarded with pay and influence in return for adequate supplies and shipping. I don't see why we cannot try to fix this mess the former idiots in power got the innocent civilians into together." The spaceman declared with a smile.

Even if it was just as a future business partner, Teruya was happy that Yuri had finally become friendly with him. "I look forward to working with you."

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