Magoyomi/Nikei Yomiuri x Emma Magorobi

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In the late morning, Emma liked to take walks around the island. It helped her stay fit and cleared her head, especially on busy days. If she was lucky, then someone would join her on one of these walks and she could have a casual talk. Fortunately, this was one of those times.

Nikei walked beside her with a smile, his right wrist still in a cast. She had to admit, as annoying as Nikei could be to deal with sometimes, she enjoyed having him around. She even gave him acting lessons a few times, and he became a master liar in no time. She could only blame herself there.

"Come on, Emmaaaaa! You said you would!" Nikei whined as he trotted around her. "This isn't an interview, I just want to know about your experiences on your first movie sets!"

Emma giggled, finding his whining irritating and amusing. "Alright, alright. I did promise to tell you, didn't I?" She cleared his throat and thought back to those days. "Ah, I know that I was first a child actress in the 'Harry Peter' series, I played Ermione. Of course, I didn't know about the original author's views on basic human rights back then, but I was just excited to be in a movie."

"Yeah, that person is a bitch. I once did an article on them, and I would've thrown a brick through her window if I could." The journalist sighed. "At least the decent authors are sticking up against her, and even the damn movie franchise refuses to include her! Haha!"

"That's true, we hate her! Anyways, I was good at memorization, so I could learn my lines and repeat my parts very well, and I could also hear and pick up what was going on around the rest of the set." Emma recalled. "At the time, one of my makeup artists was having an affair, but his wife was one of the people who taught me the script. I asked her what she was saying with the makeup artist on the phone, because I thought that was her."

"Hah, and what happened next?" Nikei prompted.

"Well, she immediately got suspicious and asked me what he was saying to her. I thought it was really weird but I listened to her, and I repeated his end of the conversation off by heart!" The actress laughed. "She turned bright red and handed me off to another assistant, and she went to go find her husband. I think they divorced after that."

Nikei was already laughing as Emma retold the story, and he wiped a tear from his eye. "Oh man, that's- that's hilarious." He chuckled, trying to catch his breath and regain his composure.

"It was pretty funny at the time, but you do know that I already told this story in one of my appearances on a talk show once, right?" The blonde questioned. "I thought you would've known this story by now."

"W-Well, I gotta entertain the fans with something!" Nikei stammered, his face completely red. "I have fans! More fans than you, to be exact!"

Emma sighed, knowing well enough that he didn't like being behind anyone or knowing something last, such was the ugly part of his inferiority complex. She had been with him long enough to know that he was sulking and trying to cover up his hurt ego by now. For his sake, she didn't bring up the fact that she had more fans than he ever would because of her career.

Haha, well, let's put that aside! Say, do you want to go get lunch at Higa City?" The actress chirped, changing the topic. "I'm actually surprised that they have picnic places there, but we can pick up food from the O-Mart and have some there!"

Twenty minutes later, they had walked to the fifth island and had picked up food from the convenience store. They had managed to find a decent-looking gazebo near the forest that Monocrow had set up, and they sat inside to eat their lunches.

Emma looked around to make sure no one else was around before leaning closer to Nikei. "Hey, this has been on my mind for a while, but don't you think it's weird that despite Mikado preparing us for a killing game, Utsuro was here all along and was the brother of the one whose mentality we were supposed to break down into him?" She whispered.

Nikei shrugged with a sigh. "You shouldn't complain or think much about it. We're blessed again, we don't have to kill anyone, and we have...well, it's stupid to say, but we have friends here." He muttered.

"Oh, Nikei! Are you embarrassed to call people 'friends' for once?" The actress teased. "If I recall correctly, you never called Hajime, Iroha, or I that once before Mikado contacted us!"

"Sh-Shut the hell up and eat your food." The journalist shot back, his face flushed as he picked up another piece of sushi from his boxed meal.

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