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[Kidnapped Chapter 43] [Punk L.H]

After watching Luzzie get in the car, I turn back to look at her one more time, I can't forget who I'm doing this for, I'm doing this for me, my children, and Luzzie. I can't let them down. [a/n: *adds dramatic music*]

I had the grenade, knife, gag, chain, and cuffs, only one person is going to make it out alive, and it's not going to be him. Chances of him living 0%. I walk back into the building and looked for a light underneath a door. I clutch the gun in my hands. Before I open the door I thought about how it would be if Luzzie did have the twins, I wouldn't want to tell them how I met her by kidnapping her... I don't want to scare them.

I took in a deep breath and kicked the door open. My father dropped whatever he was doing and looked towards me. He eyes were wide and he looked at my hands.

"Where's Harry?" He asks.

"Oh him? He's dead, I killed him, and now you're next Andrew." I growled.

"You seriously think you have the balls to shoot and kill me?" He chuckled.

"And what makes you think I wouldn't pull the trigger?" I hissed.

"Because I'm your father." He smirks.

"You were my father, I couldn't believe I looked up to you, you've hurt me in the past, you've hurt my mum in the past, but mostly me, I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't ask to be born, I didn't ask to become the way I am now, it just happened. And because of who? You." I spoke with death in my eyes.

"I only did that to protect you." He says.

"Bullshit!!" I shouted.

"Calm down." He says calmly.

"No I won't, you don't know what you've put me through! Every night I would come home from school with bruises, and when ever I got a bad grade all you would ever do is smirk and then punish me for being stupid! You didn't even appreciate me like you did to Ben and Jack! You hated me! You picked favourites and I was always the one who got touched inappropriately, or used as a sex object! Or worse! A punching bag! What kind of parent are you!?! No parent should do that to their child! And that's not how I'm going to raise my kids! No way in hell! It's Christmas Eve, and you better fucking hope God forgives you and Harry sorry asses!" I screamed with angry tears pouring out my eyes.


"Save it! I don't want to hear your excuses, all I want you is to die, and never ever think about me forgiving you, because by the time I forgive you the world would've end and me, my girlfriend, and my children will be dead. I'm so fucking done with you Andrew and you don't deserve to live." I growled through gritted teeth.

He sighs and hang his head down and raises his hands above his head. "If that's what you wish, then go ahead, pull the trigger."

"Gladly Andrew." I said without a thought.

I aim the gun at his head and pull the trigger once, soon after his body drops to the floor, I stood over him and looked at his lifeless body, I shook my head and dropped the gun on the floor. He's dead, never coming back, and now me and my family can live in peace.


Luke came out the building and into the car, he looked posed, but yet relived that he did what he had to do. I bit my lip and waited for him to come in the car. He got in the car and he just sat there.

I put my hand on his lap but he just moved it away. I looked at him in a confused way, what did I do.


No answer.


No answer.


No answer.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP OKAY!?" He yells at me.

"What's your god dam problem!?" I yelled back.

"Get out!" He shouts

I gasp and smacked him in the face. Fine if that's how he wants to be when I'm trying to be reasonable with him, he wants to kick me out the car. I grab my phone and get out the car and started walking the way back.







Footsteps were heard from behind me and then forceful hands grabbed my wrist. He smashes his lips against mine but I push him away.

"Stop." I hiss at him.

"Listen chill out." He sighs.

"Chill out?!" I shout at him, "you're the one who needs to chill! You're the one who told me to get out the car!"

"Listen I'm sorry." He says.

"Prove it." I cross my arms.

"How?" He asks.

"Tell me why you kidnapped me." I said.

"I told you-"

"Save it, if you can't tell me why, I'm leaving you and I'm taking our kids with me, so you better tell me now, or I'm walking out." I say looking him dead in the eye.

He groans and rolls his eyes. "As long as you come back to the house with me. deal?"


[i feel like this book is coming to an end, but I don't want it to!! the moment you all have been waiting for will be in the next chapter. Luke reveals WHY he kidnapped Luzzie in the first place, you better have some tissues.]

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