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[Kidnapped Chapter 21] [Punk L.H]

As I woke up a few hours later I found out Luke wasn't around. I was worried but I know I shouldn't be because of the way he treated me.

I walk down the stairs after dressing myself in a pair of his boxers and a bra of mine. It was dangerously quiet as I got closer and closer to the end.

As I turn the corner of the stairs I saw a note on the table. I pick it up and lay it out to read it.

Luz, the lads and I went clubbing. Don't do anything I would approve of. -Luke

Like what? Masturbate? Eat? Drink? Fart? Haha wow. I chuckled and made me a sandwich.

-hour later-

It was 4:30 and Luke came stumbling in. I roll my eyes as I saw a drunken blonde latching herself onto Luke. Typical whore. I mean who wouldn't want to? If I was hammered.. I'd let him bring me home.

He carries her upstairs into whoever's room and a few moments later the sound of moaning and screaming is heard. I shudder and cut the volume up on the TV.

It goes dead silent for a while until a gun shot rings through the house. I jump and almost fall off the couch. The door upstairs open and stumbling upon the stairs is clearly heard.

He coughs and I soon feel a metal barrel to my forehead.

"Who are you?" He drunkly asks

"L-Luzzie." I start crying.

"What are you doing here?"

"Y-you kidnapped me."

"So shouldn't you be dead already?" He smirks clicking the bullet into place.

'L-luke please don't shoot me.. I-i dont wanna die yet. Please don't kill me. P-please.. I-i love you." I cry.

His eyes soften and he drops the gun on the couch. He starts crying and wrap his arms around me sobbing into my shoulder.

"Y-you do?" He asks after finish crying.

"What?" I ask.

"Do you? Do you truly love me?" He says into my neck.

Now that I think about it, all this time with Luke made me realize that I am in fact in love with him. Through the fights, and arguments we have. My heart wanted to open up to him more. Maybe he had problems as a kid and he just needed someone to be there for him.

"Do you?" He repeated.

"I-i do," I said kissing his cheek, "I do."

Before I knew it. I carried him up the stairs and into his room and laid him on the bed covering him up. He just needs someone to break down his walls and be there for him. And I hope I will be that person who does.

He's just a troubled boy who needs someone to love.

~A/N: Tell me what you think.... QOTD: Why do you think Luke is like this? Sorry for not updating in a while. Have a huge writers block... I see a lot of people reading... Not my best chapter.. I was tired when I wrote this

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