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Hewwo my little kidnappers! It's time for the Q&A!! Omg yes! Haha ^.^

For Louis: Who's your boyfriend? And how long have you been dating?

Louis: Whale *rolls eyes* that's for me to know Hun, and you to find out. And we've been dating for a month now

For Luzzie: What do you like most of Luke's looks?

Luzzie: *taps chin and thinks* All, but if I had to choose, it would be his eyes. His eyes are so beautiful and I can get lost in them forever *sighs happily and giggles*

For Ashton: Do you really like Charlotte? And do you really love Luzzie?

Ashton: Well, me and Char had a thing going on, but we broke up after a while. And yes I do love Luzzie, but she's in love with Luke, so I can't really do anything about it. *shrugs*

For Me (Yay): What if one morning Harry and Luke showed up to your door to visit you. What would you do with them if they say they'll stay with you for a week :D ?

Me: *sucks in a breath* I would do so many things to those boys. I would probably have a threesome like everyday. I would take Luke to school with me and I would kiss the living mess out of Luke, but I don't think momma Liz would approve, and with Harry, I do just about everything to him as same as luke *winks*

For Luke: Why'd you kidnap Luzzie?

Luke: I'll reveal that later on in the story. *winks*

For Luzzie: Can I keep Luke? Because him being so bipolar is so hot than I expected

Luzzie: *pouts* that's my Lukey. Me no share.

For Luke: How did you feel when you saw Luzzie's mum dying?

Luke: *bites lip* it was... Shocking... I've never in my life seen someone die in front of me.

For Luzzie: Do you miss your mum?

Luzzie: *nods* I miss her so much, I looked up to her. I miss her dearly.. It's like a part of my soul was torn out of me.

For Me (whoop whoop ^.^): If you could have any person in the world, famous or not, who would it be?

Me: *flips hair like a rich chick* Luke obviously *winks*

For Mikey: Hi!!!!

Mikey: *waves* Meows there

For Calum: Did you believe what Ashton said when he said he didn't know Charlotte was going to be at that new French restaurant?

Calum: *shakes head* Not at all, not one bit, I have a gut feeling that Ashton sent her there to ruin Luzzie and Luke's date, so he (Ashton) can swoop in and comfort her.

For Meeeee: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate LiveSOS?

Me: I don't have the album yet, but I've listened to Heartache On The Big Screen, What I Like About You, and American Idiot... But I would rate it as a BMS!!! It broke my scale (hence the word BMS) it's absolutely amazing! Like ASDFGHJKL!!!!!!!!

^.^ whale that's it's for now! If you have any more questions, send them in! ^.^ *waves* UPDATE SOON

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