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*time skip*

"Luz, are you ready? The wedding starts in a hour!" My sister Sally called. Today was my wedding day, Kyler and Melissa are four now and can I just say that they are the most wonderful children ever.

"S-sal, I don't think I can do it." I whispered.

"What? Why?" She says walking into the room well, tent.

"I-I'm nervous. Dad isn't here and Mum isn't here either. What if he doesn't want to get marry to me?" I bit my lip looking at myself in the mirror

"If he didn't want to marry you, he would've never proposed to you." She says curling my hair a little bit more.

"Y-yeah, where are my twins?" I said looking around.

"Chill, Michael has them." She chuckled.

"Oh my god." I face palm.

She laughs and leaves. "Wedding starts in 30."

I nod to myself and gave myself a little pep talk, who would've thought that I was getting married to my bestfriend/kidnapper, they say you fall in love easily. And it's true, even before then me and Luke were like the best of friends in high school, and now we're getting married to each other.

The wedding march began to play and that was my cue. I push open the tent and headed to the field. From a walking distance, the wedding looked very beautiful and I couldn't wait. As I got closer I saw Luke and he was shaking at Michael was standing next to him with his hand on his shoulder. For once Michael looked sane.

As I step up on the podium or whatever you call it. Luke's eyes widen and a blush crept up on his face. In the suit his tattoos barely showed, except for the ones on his hand.

The priest or Minster was Luke's mum, she got an online certificate. She smiled at me and winked I send her one back and she smiled and started the wedding (A/N: I don't know what minsters say at weddings, so I'm going to wing it)

"Friends, Family, Pets. Today we bring the marriage of Luke Robert Hemmings and Luzzie Anne Edwards, if you do not wish for these two to be married, speak now, or forever hold your peace." She looks around and smiles, "good, these two have written the vows so I'll let them recite them. Luke you may start."

Luke takes a deep breath and chuckles. "Luzzie, my friend, my love, my life, and my soon to be wife. I remember the first day that we met, You were sitting at lunch by yourself and you caught my attention. You amazed me, and you intrigued me. I can't thank you enough for being in my life, you're beautiful, we even have two beautiful children. Kyler and Melissa Hemmings. We did that, and I love you to the Sun around the Galaxy and back. No one could ever make me feel like you do. And I'm truly blessed that I get to spend my life with you."

I smile and he wipes a tear from my face and I couldn't help but to smile even wider.

"Now Luzzie, you may recite your vows." Liz smiled.

I nodded and smiled. "Luke, um where do I start? I remember you talking to me for the first time, you were a blushing mess like you are now, and I found that cute, I remember when I told you about me and you were so interested that I play guitar and sing, I still remember when our first date was, at the lake down the road from your old house. We do have our fights every once and a while, but that is what makes us stronger. Kyler and Melissa are our children and I love you so very much, more than you think or know. And I'm happy that we are getting married today."

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, and you may kiss the bride." Liz smiled.

Luke presses his lips to mine and I smile as our lips moulded and fit together. Kyler and Melissa said 'ew' causing both Luke and I to laugh. He pulls away and then pecks my lips again.

"I love you Mrs. Hemmings"

"And I love you Mr. Hemmings."

[The End!!!! Book 2 should be up soon ^.^, I love you guys so every much and thank you so much for 13.2K reads! I didn't expect this book to get that many reads! I love you guys so much!!! And I can't believe the friends that I made while writing this book! I gained 46 followers ever since I started writing this! That's amazing! Keep voting and keep commenting! And if you ever want to talk to me on social media here's my info...

Facebook: Jamiel PrettyAwsome Smalls
Kik: mazza_styles
Snapchat: mazza_styles
Twitter: @QueenHemmo5SOS

I love you guys so much, I'm sad that this book is ending, but there will be a Book 2! So keep a watch out and mostly likely I'll post it on my message board and or on here! So, I'm very grateful, it means a lot, and I love you guys so very much!!!! Mwah! Love you my Kidnappers ^.^]

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