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[Kidnapped Chapter 30] [Punk L.H]

-Luke POV-

The way Luzzie looked when she saw what happened broke my heart into a million of pieces. I didn't do anything. I swear I didn't. She just walked up to me and kissed me. I pushed her away and glared at her.

"What the fuck is your problem Charlotte! I told you that I was here with someone! And you go and kiss me!" I whispered.

"You know you totally liked that Lucas." She smirked sitting on my lap.

"No, actually I was totally disgusted. Kissing you might bring my lunch back up. Now if you excuse me. I have to go win back the love of my life." I said pushing her off me roughly.

"But Lukey-" She said until I cut her off.

"No one is allowed to call me that except my mother and Luzzie, what you did Charlotte made me hate you even more than I already do. I hope you rot in hell." I hissed through clench teeth as I pick up Luzzie's purse and shove the door open.

As I made my way to my car I wiped away my tears frustratedly. No one. And I mean no one. Would be able to replace Luzzie. I hope she hasn't done anything she'll regret. I cut the car on sobbing as I wiped my eyes. This is the most painful thing I have ever encountered in my life. I leave the parking lot and drive around the neighbourhood looking for a sign of Luzzie.

It's cold and raining, I really hope she isn't somewhere that she could get hurt, or even raped. She's cold and afraid. I sobbed more as the song 'Thinking Out Loud' played quietly on the radio. I turn the corner of the street and saw a white dress. I turn off the car and grabbed my keys before running out of the car.

"Luzzie!" I shouted.

No reply.

"Luzzie!" I shouted again running faster.

No reply.

"Luzzie!" I cried. It hurts. Knowing if she might be dead. I couldn't live with myself if she was.

I pick up the figure that was lying on the concrete. I pushed the wet matted hair out of the figures face. I saw Luzzie's eyes fluttered open. Her eyes widen and she pushed me.

"Leave me alone Luke, I thought you were different from the rest, you all are just the same!" She sobbed pushing me away from her.

"Luzzie, p-please listen to me." I begged wiping my eyes.

"Whatever." She said pushing me away and walking the opposite direction of me.

I grab her by her waist and push her up against the wall kissing her hotly. She moans but pushes me away.

"Stop Luke." She whispered.

I ignored her and pepper kisses along her neck causing her to moan and tug my hair. I pull away knocking my head against hers softly.

I'm in love now
Kiss me like you wanna be loved
Like you wanna be loved

I sang softly pulling away from her. I take her hands in mine and looked at her in her eyes. "Listen to me please?"

She nodded and looked at me. "Go on."

"Listen the whole reason that this happened wasn't because of me, okay? It was all her fault. As soon as you left. She walked up to me and sat next to me. I hate this girl with all my heart, and when I say that I hate someone that much, I truly hate them okay? She kissed me. She did. I didn't. I didn't even kiss back. I was disgusted that she even thought that was cool.

My heart belongs to someone else okay? That someone is you. You Luzzie. You. No one else. I have never in my life loved someone like how I love you. From the YouTube videos to the movies, from the movies to sending the night at your house and cuddling up with you, from those nights to making love to you. From making love to actually having you in my arms and in my bed sound asleep. From the kisses to the hugs. Everything. Luzzie I would never ever think about kissing some that's not you.

No one understands my true feelings about you. No one does. Not even when we were in middle school. No one. I love you. A lot. I know everything we went through was because of me. Lucas Robert Hemmings. Please forgive me of my mistakes. P-please. I-I can't lose you. It would kill me on the inside to know if you were with someone else because of me. Please forgive me." I sobbed looking at her still.

She didn't answer, she just looked at me. I felt my heart drop at the feeling of her just walking away from me and leaving. She places her hand in my face and kisses me passionately. I wrap my arms around her waist pulling closer to me. Our tongues danced in a soft tango. With no winners.

She pulls away from me with swollen pink lips. I hold her closer and nuzzle my face in her neck taking in a deep breath. I couldn't let her go. Not even in this pouring rain I wouldn't let her go.

"L-Luke?" She says.

"Hmm?" I hum.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't believe you. When I saw what was happening. It tore me away, I thought I was too late. Lucas. No one understands what I went through to make me feel like this. I have been used and heart broken too many times to count. I thought when I first got kidnapped by you. I thought I would hate you and ridicule you for taking me away from my family. But as I stayed there longer. My feelings for you grew. I would deny it every time we would fight and argue. But when you told me you loved me.. I didn't believe it. I thought you were doing that to get a rise out of me. Lucas. I love you more than I love myself. And it would eat me alive knowing that I was too late." She says looking at me.

When you look me in eyes..
And tell me that you love me
And everything's all right
when your right here by my side.

The song plays on the speakers above us. I reach my hand out for her to grab. She smiles at me before latching her hands with mine.

"May I have this dance?" I smile.

"You may." She smiles as I pull her closer swaying with her back and forth.

"I love you." She says nuzzling her face into my neck.

"And I love you." I whispered into her hair as we swayed.

[This chapter made me cry. The songs dedicated to this chapter is 'When You Look Me In The Eyes' by the Jonas Brothers and 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran. QOTD: What did you think was going to happened after Luke explained himself to Luzzie? If I made you cry. Sorry in advance :')]

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