15. "How can she?""How dare he?"

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Aditya ignored all the files and important documents which were lying in front of him on the table

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Aditya ignored all the files and important documents which were lying in front of him on the table. He kept gazing at a particular blue, thick book which was carelessly thrown at the corner of his table. He continued gazing it and leaned back on his chair, relaxing.

‘How come people get so much time to read stories which are not even real?! I think it's rubbish!’ He thought to himself frowning.

He bent ahead and picked up the book. He was just going to open the book after inspecting its cover when someone barged in his cabin.

“Adi-” Arjun looked up from the file which was in his hand and halted in middle looking at Aditya. Arjun gawked at Aditya for a minute and then a devilish smirk adorned his face.

“Oh... oh... oh.… So someone has started reading books and all, huh?” Arjun teased, eyeing the book in Aditya's hands.

Aditya threw the book at the corner of table immediately and buried his face in the papers which where lying in front of him.

“Fault in our stars…?” Arjun started teasing as he stood near the table.

“that too romance genre?! Wah! I have to say I am impressed.”

“Will you shut up now or I have to stuff my smelly socks in your mouth?!!” Aditya spoke, fed up with Arjun's teasing.

“Wait.., did you not take bath today?” Arjun asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

Adi rolled his eyes.

“Well, I did but guess what? I am wearing them since morning… and.. my feet sweat a lot...!” Aditya informed him with a sweet smile.

Arjun scrunched up his nose. Maybe, he already imagined the smell.

“Whatever! Here take this...” Arjun handed over a file to Aditya.

“What is this?” Aditya asked taking it from Arjun.

“Mr. Raichand sent the papers.” Aditya nodded while reading through the file.

“Tell me when you are done reading it, I will fix the final meeting and everything.” Aditya looked up at him and nodded, smiling.

Arjun started to walk out but stopped and turned back.

“And haan... I won't be here at lunch time.”

“Why?” Aditya asked, confused.

“Ahh… I have to meet a friend. Need some help from me.” Arjun told Aditya, rubbing his neck.

“Friend or girlfriend?” Aditya asked smirking. Arjun looked away chuckling.

“Not a girlfriend yet... But soon!” Arjun walked out saying this, leaving Aditya laughing at him.


Aditya was reading the papers with utmost concentration while sipping the coffee.

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