32. "No one is gonna change that!'

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Zoya's POV

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Zoya's POV

I entered the gates of Raichand villa and found Noor leaning on the main door, smirking at me. 

“I saw..” She spoke as soon as I came near her, with her lopsided smile intact.

“Saw what?!” I asked, not much interested.

“You and Adi bhai….” Then she gave me a sweet smile which was not sweet at all.

I sighed. She is forgetting that I am her elder sister and it isn't the other way round.

I raised my hand and pulled her by holding her ear.

“Ahh… Di!” She winced and held my hand but I didn't leave her.

“Enough of your flying Ms. Noor Raichand. Tell me! What is it between you and Arjun..?” She bit her lip.

Ab aaya oot pahad ke neeche!
(Finally, the camel has come at the foot of the hill!)

Elder one, always remains the elder one!

“Who Arjun?” 

Oh really? I twisted her ear again.

“Ouch! Di…” She whined.

“Then tell me..”

“I met him before the interviews were held. And…. And we became kind of friends….” She trailed off.

“And…?” I indicated her to continue. She scrunched up her nose but continued.

“We connected instantly and he asked me out… I didn't know he was Adi bhai's friend… sacchi!” 

“You had your first boyfriend and you didn't tell me! Have I ever scolded you?” She shook her head.

“Then?” She kept mum.

“Fine. This time I am letting you go.” Her face lit up instantly.

“But next time…” I warned her, she nodded her head.

I left her ear which she rubbed, hissing. I started to go in but she held my arm stopping me. 

“Don't tell Maasi and Masso about it…” She pleaded.

Masso?? He came?

“Masso is here?” I asked with my twinkling eyes. She nodded. 


I ran inside and found uncle there only talking to Maasi. 

“Maaso!!” I called and he turned to me smiling.

“Zoya…” I ran to him like a little girl. 

With him around, I always behave like a little girl. Same was with Papa. But he isn't here anymore.

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