18. Getting ownership back

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Noor entered the gates of her uncle's house

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Noor entered the gates of her uncle's house. Her cousin sister and aunt were sitting in the hall. Jasmine was reading a fashion magazine while aunty was going through her mobile. 

Uncle Sudeep have two daughters, Jivika and Jasmine. Jivika is nearly of same age as of Zoya. Whereas, Jasmine is a year younger than Noor. There was no bond between both the pair of sisters. Where Zoya and Jivika are stern and stiff around each other, Noor and  Jasmine are always at each other's throats.

Noor cleared her throat to catch some attention. Mrs. Raichand looked up and finding it's Noor, she smiled and stoop up to attend her. On the other hand, her cousin sister Jasmine just rolled her eyes and went back to reading her magazine.

“Aree, Noor…. Today here? All fine right?” Aunty welcomed her. On the other hand Jasmine scoffed.

Noor felt sick talking to Mrs. Raichand remembering it was her who got their signatures on those papers.

“I didn't come to see you Aunty….”

“So have you come here to see me? Because I have no interest in meeting you!” Jasmine snapped all of a sudden. 

‘I see, so even today she have sudden seizures….’ Noor thought and snickered inwardly.

Mrs. Raichand glared at Jasmine. It was always like this. Jasmine and Noor fought openly.

A pityful smile appeared on Noor's face as she shook her head.

“Is there any problem with your ears, Jasmine?” Jasmine glared at her.

“Because I didn't say anything like coming to see you. And by the way, why do you think I will come to meet you? Oh..! Along with ears, you have problem in your brain too. I get it…”

Jasmine fumed, not able to come with a reply. She threw the magazine on the glass table rudely and went upstairs.

“I am sorry on her behalf Noor…” Spoke Mrs. Raichand.

“How many times will you apologize Aunty? And how many times I or Di will hear it?” Noor spoke sternly.

She was in no mood to forgive her. They both treated her like their own mother. How can she?!

Aunty looked at her confused.

“Haan aunty! Neither you will be able to ask for a sorry so many times nor I want to hear it.”

If there had been Zoya, she would have melted. This is why she hasn't realised yet that how her and Noor's signature went there. But Noor have realised and concluded. 

“Why will she apologize to you?” Noor heard her uncle's voice and turned around to see him descending the staircase.

“Why won't she apologize? Afterall, she was the one who tricked us in taking our signatures for you to sell my company.”

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