39. "Tumhe farak nhi padta?"

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Aditya's POV

Me and Arjun settled on the dinning table to have our dinner after a long tiring day but something was wrong. The tense atmosphere of the house was too much to handle. There was pin drop silence and tension in the air was so thick that it could be cut by knife. Only sounds were of utensils that were being torched by Mumma. She was in a bad mood.

“Whats wrong with her?” I asked Dad in a whisper.

“You ask her only..!” And again three of us went quiet.

Mumma laid down the table. She was putting bowls and plates with so much force that they were making noise and it was kind of scary for all of us. She do not get angry much often.

“Never ever!” She spoke, angrily after sitting on the chair. This took our attention even after we started to serve ourselves already.
No one dared to ask what is she thinking about.

“Even if she is the last girl on earth, Adi is not getting married to her. Not at all!” She fumed.

Is she mad at Zoya?

‘Why Zoya in particular Mr. Hooda?’ My heart asked smugly.

‘What is actually wrong with you?’ My mind scowled.

‘Stop it!!’ I stopped my inner voices before they could start the war. None the less, they continued bickering. I shook my head.

“Mom… but she is nice …. You did like her, didn't you?” I asked, hesitating. Lest she blasts over me.

“Oh! I never liked her and you know it! And she isn't nice!” She scoffed.

Okay! That came as a shock to me. She never liked Zoya? How? Why? When?

“But Mumma… you know her too much now… and did Zoya do something to upset you??”

“Who says I am talking about Zoya?! I am talking about Pooja!” She spoke the name at the end making a face.

“Oh….” I sighed in relief that she is not mad at Zoya. But then I remembered what she said.

‘Pooja?’ Both my mind and heart stopped their wrestling with each other when they heard the name.

‘That cheater here?’ My mind asked, mad.

‘Whyyy?? Whyy me? It's all because of him. God! Couldn't you put me in some other man's body?’ My heart cried. 

My inner voices are just too much for me also. I have stopped talking to them now. 

‘Go to hell both of you!’ I told them and turned my attention to Mumma who was here giving me most important gossips.

“Wait…. What? Pooja? Here?” I asked her, very confused.

“Yeah… she is in Mumbai and she came here during lunch time. And do you know who brought her? None other than Zoya! Don't know what she have made Zoya think that she brought her here after knowing she left you three years back.”

Pooja… with Zoya? How come they met each other? 

‘Hey bhagwaan! Meri toh kismat hi kharab hai!’
(Oh god! Such a bad luck I have!)

My heart wailed, dramatically.

‘Oh! Shut up!’ I ordered irritated.

“Aditya! Listen to me!” Mumma's strict call brought me out of my thinking. I looked towards her attentively.

“You are not getting married to her even if you have to live your whole life as a bachelor!” I nodded, gulping. My mother can be scary sometimes.

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