29. Anxious Arjun

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Arjun's POV

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Arjun's POV

“How the hell this can happen??!!” I yelled at the employees of IT security department.

I don't know how I am going to face Aditya after this. 

“Is even anything left??” I asked with irritation.

No reply. These good for nothing people were standing here with their heads bowed down. 

“Fuck!!” I swore, running my hands through my hairs. 

 “What is the condition now? Report me!” 

“It is disintegrated sir… But we can set it all back in few hours…” 

Set it all back my foot!! 

“Start setting up the system right now!! I don't know how much time you guys will take. I want system intact by tonight!!” They nodded. Nervousness intact on their faces. 

“Get back to work now!” I ordered and they moved out of my cabin. 

I slumped on chair and rubbed my face with my palms tiredly. I don't know how I am going to inform about all this to him. I feeling so vulnerable right now. 

Aditya is expert in planning when it comes to work. The Neotech project was announced six months ago. As soon as it was announced, we knew we too are going to compete for this with other companies. From then on we started to prepare for it. Aditya himself set deadlines and planned how everything has to be done. We both worked so much on it with our staff. With a sigh of relief, we all finished it two weeks ago. We saved it in Aditya's PC because only him and me have access to it. Now when this whole system is disintegrated, I don't know where those files are now, or are they even there or not. I had it's backup in mine but my PC too isn't working.

Today morning when I arrived here and started to work, I needed to extract some files which are only present in soft copy for now. They were in Aditya's PC. I walked in his cabin and logged into his account. But it denied access. The password was wrong. Thinking he must have changed it, I called him only to find out that he didn't. Something was definitely not right. Hanging up on him abruptly, I walked out, only to hear murmurings from the staff. Some of the PC's weren't working, some were not opening just like Aditya's. 

It didn't took me another second to conclude that our system was hacked. Someone who has done this is brilliant at its job. It just can't be done in one day. They have slowly did it. Everything happened under the nose of IT security department. Useless!! 

What scares me the most is about the data that has been stolen. Now, who would do so much hardwork only to rile you up.

I left my cabin and walked towards the IT security department to see their work, help and guide them. 

“I have never seen Arjun sir so angry…” 

“I know right. He is the most chilling boss you can find.”

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