24. 'Fiance? Not bad...'

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“There she is…” Spoke Aarohi loudly as she saw Zoya and Aditya coming towards her in the parking lot

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“There she is…” Spoke Aarohi loudly as she saw Zoya and Aditya coming towards her in the parking lot. 

As soon as Zoya saw Aarohi, she grinned and rushed towards Aarohi, leaving Aditya behind. 

“If Aarohi had been a boy, Zoya would have been in a relationship long back. Thank you God…” Aditya mumbled under his breath as he followed Zoya's excited self.

Aarohi smiled wide and took off her shades as Zoya approached her. 

“Congratulations!!” Zoya wished Aarohi and hugged her, who reciprocated chuckling.

“Thank you bro! By the way, who is he?” Aarohi asked inching towards Zoya, eyeing Aditya.

He looked at her startled. Zoya bit her laugh. 

“I heard someone was having important work and was unable to attend my engagement.” Aarohi commented, narrowing her eyes at him.

“You told her?!” He concluded. Zoya bobbed her head.

“She is my best friend. I couldn't help it…” She gave him sympathetic smile. He shook his head at her.

“You!!” Aarohi moved towards him angrily who immediately jumped behind Zoya, holding her shoulders.

“What are you doing? Gone mad all over again?” Aditya teased her.

“You called me mad?” Aarohi asked in disbelief. 

“I thought you would have gotten fine by now, but no. You are that same psychotic Aarohi..” He spoke giving her a sympathetic look.

“Haww..!” Her mouth widened in ‘O’ shape. She closed it immediately and moved towards him to hit him.

He chuckled and moved Zoya like she is a shield in his hands. 

“Guys stop it!” Zoya shouted on them, interrupting their Tom and Jerry fight.

“Aaru… Continue this later on. Right now, I can't wait to meet your to be fiance.” She spoke and jumped excitedly at last. 

“Hmm.. let's go.” Zoya grinned and moved to sit at the front passenger seat. 

As Aarohi was moving to sit towards driver seat, Aditya cleared his throat and adjusted his collar showing her that she wasn't able to beat him.

“You! You wait and watch!” Aarohi huffed.

She settled herself in the driver seat with a sour mood, but was internally happy that both of them came. He chuckled and sat at the back seat and they drove off to her home.

“Aree… Kya batoon yaar… Ek aafat hai wo…”
(What shall I tell you.... He is a complete trouble...”)

Aarohi sighed, as these three walked in her house. 

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