4. "Hume pehchana?"

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Aditya's POV

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Aditya's POV

Where this Arjun is? Is he still alive or not? He will not die easily, that I know. Whatever! I am not going to wait for him to join me. I have a schedule to follow.
I am already done with jogging. We planned to play tennis. But he is late. I will follow my schedule by doing push-ups now.

I entered my workout room. Well, this room is my dream room. Indoor games, outdoor games and everything which I need for exercise and workout.

Keeping my water bottle aside, I stripped off my hoodie and kept it on chair. Preparing myself, I started doing push-ups.

Arjun entered and gave me a small smile. I continued doing my push-ups. He sat on chair silently. So unlike Arjun! Something is wrong.
I sat on floor, folding one leg.

“What happened Arjun? Your ice cream melted?” Instead of getting annoyed, he smiled lightly.
Now, do I have to send him to mental asylum?

“Nothing. I broke up with Niharika. That's all.” He said.

“I told you! Don't fall in this trouble.” I said, shaking my head.

“Adi, we broke up with mutual understanding. There are no hard feelings. It was not working. Moreover, you said it because you don't believe in love anymore. But I did and still do. I will meet you in office.”
He completed his monologue and left. I sighed.

It is not like that I don't believe in love now. I do believe in it. But for loving someone, I have to trust him first. Phew....!


Zoya's POV

Right now, I am sitting in my hospital cabin. A patient of mine got violent. I had to rush here cancelling all our plans.

Don't know what is wrong now. He didn't have any attacks in last two months. What happened now?
He is a Schizophrenic. Married. Had delusion that his wife wants to kill him. After that he have delusion that people near him are plotting against him to kill him.

I was squeezing my brain in his case file. My phone rang and I picked it up still reading his case file.

“Zoya, I will pick you up on sharp seven o'clock. Get ready on time.”

I glanced at my wrist watch it's half past five.

“Okay Arpit. See you!” I said and hung up the call.

It is first time I am attending these kind of meets. Before, only papa used to attend these.
What to wear? The most important thing. I don't want to make a fool out of myself.
Idea! Aarohi will help me. Yes!

I reached home and found those three talking.
“Good you came Zee! We are planning to go for a movie, and then dinner. What's say?”

Movie....? No.......

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