33. "It isn't easy, but it isn't impossible."

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Aditya's POV

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Aditya's POV

“Damn!!” I groaned and slammed my fist on the table beside my PC.

I and Arjun were standing in my cabin, hovering my PC.

“Aditya… I-” 

“Why didn't you tell me then only?!”

I cut him off because honestly I wasn't interested in his explanation. This explanation was only for comforting us. I asked because I wanted to know why he was handling all the stress himself.

“Amm.. Adi… I didn't want to worry you when I, myself didn't know all the details.” 

“Arjun..! You are my friend! You idiot… I wouldn't scold you for something which isn't your fault….” I sighed.

Why he have to act like my personal secretary? 

“Aditya, you went out after quite a time. I wanted you to enjoy and see, you did!” I looked away, overly irritated.

That's why he was sleeping in office yesterday…

“Call the head of IT security department!”

I am seriously very much done with that guy. He nodded and left.

I sat down on my place and kept the files at a side. It isn't the first time this has happened. Fortunately, last time we got saved by chance. It was pure luck. But I did a mistake. I gave a second chance to this guy instead of firing him at that instant. And now I am going to correct my mistake.

I heard a knock and I knew who it was.

“Come in…” I ordered and leaned back in my chair.

“Sir… I am-” He started as he stood in front of me.

“If you keep going on like this, no one will hire you for the job.” He bowed down his head.

“Last time I gave you chance because nothing was stolen. I am sorry, but not this time. I need your resignation on my table by tomorrow.” I made myself clear.

I know I am being very cold hearted but if I keep on getting emotional then my company will go to rags. Accepting his mistake, without another word, he went out.

Neotech project. It is the biggest project which is announced for this year. The company which will bag it will reach another heights of success. Everyone did so much hard work and now everything is stolen. I prepared for it very systematically. It has always been my habit. Now I am left with one month only to start everything with scratch. 

With a very disturbed mind, I left the office to go somewhere where I will find peace.

After wandering in the city like lost puppy in search of peace, I finally parked my car on the beach. It is almost time for sunset and yet I am not able to decide what to do next.

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