36. "I don't want to hurt her.."

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Aditya's POV

I was sprawled on the sofa and was reading the book Zoya gave me. Today is Sunday. And I am very much free. So why not read this? 

By the way, this book isn't my type. Nope. Both the leads are cancer patients and they are falling in love. This is gonna be tragic because this girl will definitely die. I am damn sure. There is seriously some major fault in their stars.

My mobile rang and I grabbed it from the coffee table in front of me.


“Hey..” I picked up her call.

“Hi… Are you busy?” 

“No. I don't think so…” 

“Then why don't you come to the park near your house?” I frowned hearing her. 

“You are there?” 

“Hmmm hmmm…” She sang, agreeing.

“I am coming.” 

Making myself a bit presentable, I left for the park.


I walked in the park to find Zoya skating on the paved path. She gave me a wide smile which I returned with a grin on my face.

“Skates?” I asked, smirking.

I remember, she wasn't a big fan of skating during our school days.

“Another pair of skates is there. Come!” She pointed towards the near by bench, where a bag, bottle and skates were present.

I shook my head and walked towards the bench. What is it with her new fever of skating?

“I haven't wore skates for last 10 years.” I told her as I tied them, sitting on the bench.

“Oh come on Aditya! You were the winner of the Inter-school skating competition. Watch me! When I wore skates last time, I sprained my ankle so bad that I was on bedrest for a week. I don't know how to skate at all.” She spoke as she somehow managed to skate near me.

“Don't tell me you want me to teach you how to skate!” I spoke as I was tying the other skate and looked up at her, smirking.

“What if I say yes…” I shook my head, smiling as I looked down and checked if I tied both the skates tightly. It's been long ten years after all.

“Adii……” She whined. I looked up at her quite dumbfounded. She never called me ‘Adi’. Have we came really close in last few months? 

‘Stop it Aditya! Stop it! Why you are hell bent on ruining the only friendship you have after Arjun?’ My mind said, asking me to stop thinking ahead. 

Now a days, she is there in my every thought. What's wrong with me?

‘But… but… It's not in my hands. What can I certainly do, when I know I have started liking her?’ My heart retorted.

Liking? Like really liking?

‘Oh! Shut up! She just called you Adi because you have become her close friend. Friend, I said. What's the big deal?’ My mind argued back.

“Aditya…” Zoya called me gently, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah?!” I replied, gathering myself.

“You okay?” 

“Ya! You wanna start learning from today?” I asked, smiling lightly. She grinned and nodded.

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