38. "An episode of Savdhaan India..."

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Zoya's POV

“It's normal. Completely normal.” I spoke softly as the girl in front of me sniffled, looking down at the table.

“And you understand it, right?” She nodded, looking up at me.

“That's so good…”

I forwarded her the big glass of strawberry milkshake and smacked my lips.

“Here you go…” She smiled slightly, with lightly swollen eyes.

“Thank you…” 

Aww…! She is such a sweet girl. I was up here in this cafe I have never visited before. It's a small, cosy and warm place to be. 

She finished her glass of shake and left thanking me again. I was also going to leave finishing my plate of noodles when my eyes fell on the television. 

“Mr. Aditya Hooda!” The host announced and I saw Aditya standing up to recieve the ‘Bussinessman of the year’ award.

This whole ceremony was telecasted on the business channel. Wow! I wish Aditya wore those cufflinks I sent him. I gifted that to him with my whole heart. I feel really happy for him. I clapped silently when he received it from someone I don't know, but is a big name. 

“Excuse me… Can I sit here?” A lady, maybe same of my age, asked.

I looked around the cafe to see that there are no empty tables left. As I said, the place is small and cosy. Moreover, I am just leaving in a few minutes. So, I smiled at her and nodded.

“You are also in business?” She asked out nowhere as I was eating my noodles looking at television.

I really don't talk to people like this. I mean, I don't know her. I just gave her a space to sit. But I decided opposite of my habit.

“No. Actually, I am a psychiatrist and the one who won the award is my very close friend. That's why I am watching.” I replied completely so that she couldn't ask any further. 

Then I buried myself in my plate, finishing my noodles so that I can leave as soon as possible.

“If you are his close friend then I must be knowing you. What is your name?” She crossed her arms in the table and leaned in completely interested in talking to me.

Wait! She knows Aditya?

“Dr. Zoya Raichand. You?” I went on to converse with her because she said she know him.

“Pooja Mathur. Did you recognise me? Don't you?” She smiled wide, asking me in hopes of me recognising her. 

How could I not recognise? The same Pooja who turned jolly Aditya into a very much self drawn and closed Aditya. She left him! Broke his heart! Broke his trust!

“Ofcourse, I recognise you. And I do not have anything to do with you.” I spoke curtly and stood up taking my handbag with me.

“Zoya… why are behaving like this? Did I say something wrong?” She too stood up and asked with a sad face.

“No. You didn't say anything wrong. But you surely did very wrong with Aditya!” I snapped at her.

I didn't want to make a scene here but I want her to leave me alone. And she should.

“Zoya… what are… you… talking about…?” She gulped and asked with her oh so sad face.

“You don't know? You left him! Hurted him and now when he is finally happy, you are back! Wow!” Anger was bubbling up inside me. 

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