46. Epilogue

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“Zoya…” He called softly as he entered their room.

She was fast asleep at one corner of the bed, hugging a red stuffed teady bear. A small smile adorning her face. People don't smile in sleep normally. Maybe, she has seen a good dream or still watching. Can't say.

He found her so cute that he couldn't resist himself to come and stare at her for a minute.

“How can you be so cute at times Zoya?!” He spoke as he covered her properly by quilt.

Bending over her, he whispered, “Have a good sleep Dr. Psycho…” and pecked her forehead softly. Her smile widened.

Adjusting the temperature of the room, he went in the washroom, smiling.

In the last two years, their life have been nothing but bliss. They got married in a month after everyone got to know about their relationship. You know, parents! It was all so quick but they started it slowly. They were already best friends and then slowly they became more and more cosy with each other.

They entered something new together. They explored different angles of their relationship. And, like everyone, they had their own fair share of fights and disagreements. Sometimes opinions of two people in a relationship, don't match. But doesn't mean that their hearts don't match. After few of their fights they understand what the other one meant to them. They understood the gravity of their beautiful bond. Slowly but surely they understood and accepted their responsibilities wholeheartedly, which came with their relationship.

Aditya came out after taking a quick shower and slipped in bed beside his beautiful wife. He propped his head up on his palm by the support of his elbow on pillow and stared at Zoya.

It's late night. Half past twelve. Their second anniversary. He was thinking of wishing her first because last year, he forgot and she wished him first, reminding him. He wanted to make up for his clumsiness. But he decided opposite of it. She looked so much at peace. How can he wake her up? Nope. Not at all.

He properly laid down on the bed, slipping under the quilt. He wrapped his one arm around Zoya's waist and hugged her close to himself.

After whole day's work and tiredness, good food and good sleep is what a human wants. Seeing her happy face after whole day at office brings him peace. And hugging her close to himself brings him a good night sleep.

He closed his eyes and felt Zoya snuggling up to him. He smiled and soon sleep engulfed him.


Aditya slowly opened his eyes as he felt his sleep fade away. He blinked to shoo away the rest of the sleep which was present in his eyes. Getting a proper view, he saw Zoya resting her chin over her arms which were crossed on his chest. She gave him a lovely smile and he tried to return it with his sleepy smile. 

“Good morning…” He wished her in his morning husky voice.

“Happy anniversary Aditya…” She wished back. 

He smacked his lips, closing his eyes. He wanted to wish her first.

“You again forgot?” She asked but not even a single trace of disappointment in her voice.

“Nope! I wanted to wish you yesterday night only but you were fast asleep. How could I wake you up?” 

She smiled hearing him. 

“Okay… I get that.” She replied, convinced and sat up. 

His honesty. That's one of his trait, she love the most. Last year, he forgot and did accept it. She can't get angry after this, can she?

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