42. "Imprint this in your mind!"

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Aditya's POV

“Adi..!” Pooja squealed as I picked her up and twirled her around. 

Arjun who was sitting on my study desk rolled his eyes. I was brainstorming ideas about birthday surprises and Arjun wasn't helping at all. She has just arrived here.

“Many many returns of the day Pooja..!” I wished her as I placed her back on the ground.

“Thank you so much!” She pecked my cheek.

It was her birthday and as much as I wanted to surprise her I couldn't. I had no idea on my mind. 

“My birthday present?” She asked sweetly.

“There she goes…” Arjun muttered. I glared at him.

“Adi… It's okay…” She said.

Look, how sweet she is. I don't understand why mumma and Arjun don't like her. Okay, I can understand Arjun. Things didn't turn out between Arjun and Pooja as they should have been. Misunderstandings and misunderstandings. Well, but what about Mumma? I don't understand her views about Pooja. 

“Whatever you ask? Ask me anything!” Her eyes twinkled.

“Sure?” She asked. I nodded.

“You are not going to ask for his life. Right?” Arjun mocked. I closed my eyes in exaggeration. 

“Arjun, didn't I ask you to take out the money from the bank?” I reminded him, calmly.

I know I am being rude, but he too is being rude. He made a face, understanding that I am asking him to leave. Sorry bro!

He left without another word and I turned to Pooja.

“Hmm…  Now tell me what were you saying?” I asked her.

“My birthday present?” She asked circling her arms around my neck.

“Whatever you want…” 

“You know what I will ask you…” I closed my eyes tiredly and removed her arms from my neck.

I just don't understand what problem she have with me starting up my own business. 

“Pooja… Ask me anything other than that… I am not giving up on my plans…” I stated.

“Why are you so hell bent on starting a fresh? You have a built-in empire with you. Then why?”

“Pooja, I explained it to you before also. It will boost my confidence, give me experience and then I will merge my and dad's company. So it will be easy to expand our business.” She shook her head. 

“Adi… You aren't understanding…” I cupped her face making her look at me.

“Pooja… I promised you that I will marry you after a year. I won't back out. Just give me a year sweetheart.” 

She closed her eyes in defeat. I know she is still not convinced. But I am not gonna ditch her.

“Acha… Leave all this. What do you want for your birthday gift?”

“Nothing Adi… I will talk to you later.” She spoke and picking up her hand bag, she left.

Damn! I made her angry on her birthday. I should plan something.

I dialled Arjun's number.

“She left?” He asked as soon as he picked the call. 

“Ha. Woh-” He hung up the call without listening to me.

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