Bonus Chapter 1.1 : What is wrong with Aditya?

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Surprise!!!! If you missed adiya... Here they are.

I request you people, after reading the update, don't try to hunt me to kill me. Please... Have mercy...😅😅

Zoya's POV

Eight years later...

"Be strong! Be strong!" I murmured to myself.

We are in Lucknow. Me, Noor and Arjun have to rush here because Masso has suffered from heart attack. This is the third attack. Seriously! He don't take care of himself a bit. Let him wake up! I will see how he will fool around this time!

I sat on one of the chairs in front of Masso's ward, waiting. My four year old daughter, Aditi was sitting in my lap. I rocked her back and forth, trying to calm myself. Aditya couldn't come. It's not his fault. Someone has to stay back to handle work. But he promised he will come here by tomorrow. The only thing that matters is Masso's well being. I don't want anything other than him to become all fit and fine.

My six year old son, Advait was sitting in front of me. He was sitting beside Maasi, trying to distract her. He is so damn innocent! And with two younger sisters with him, he climbs up the seventh sky. By two younger sisters, I mean, Aditi and Ayushi. Arjun and Noor's 3 year old daughter.

Both of my cousin brothers are present here. They are waiting to hear some news which will relieve them from the tension. Tension which is given by their father. Masso is such a careless kid! Lord!

I glanced at my mobile screen. Shall I call Aditya? But he already planned on coming tomorrow. I sighed. Aditya and Arjun's business has grew up in last few years. All credit goes to both of them and Dad. It's not that I don't understand his work demands. It's just from last year, Aditya is being too workaholic. Maybe, it's just me thinking too much.

The doctor came out of the ward. I stood up with Aditi in my arms. Others rushed to him expecting to hear something good about Masso's health.

"He don't have much time. You all can see him." He said with a neutral face and walked away.

I don't know what I felt after hearing the doctor. It all has to be dream, right? Masso isn't leaving, right?

I sat back on the chair where I was sitting a minute before. My hold on Aditi loosened and she slipped out of my arms. She walked towards Ayushi, who was already out of Arjun's hold. All were trying to process the thing that doctor just said. Atleast I was. I don't know of others. Slowly, one by one, they all walked in his ward. Except me.

As the information started to sink in, my eyes felt tears at its back. I pursed my lips tightly, trying to stop my tears from flowing. My breathing got heavy. I dialled Aditya's number. Only he is the one to whom I can talk to. Only he will listen and understand. Come on Adi!! Pick up the call!

"Ha Zoya..." He spoke as he finally attended my call. He seemed preoccupied.

I gulped back my tears before starting but he seemed to sense my shaky breath.

"Zoya... Is everything fine?" He asked. His complete attention on me this time.

"Aditya..." I started. My voice quivering because I was controlling myself. He waited for me to continue.

"Masso... He don't have much time..." I closed my eyes in defeat, as I realised that I have accepted the reality. Finally few tears left my eyes and rolled down my cheeks.

"Zoya... Don't worry... Everything will be fine.." He was and he is, very bad at consoling. But he is genuine. Always.

"Please come here Adi... I need you..." I spoke, trying not to let out any whimper. I was completely vulnerable and he must have got that by my voice.

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