26. "You can't see me like this!"

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Abhimanyu stopped the car in front of Aarohi's house and everyone climbed out

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Abhimanyu stopped the car in front of Aarohi's house and everyone climbed out. It was around two in the morning and they are back to Aarohi's home after celebrating Chirag's birthday.

“I shall take your leave then…” Abhimanyu started. Aarohi nodded with a light smile. 

“I will see you guys tomorrow…” 

“Bye Abhi!” Aditya bid him bye with a genuine smile. 

“Bye Abhimanyu…” Zoya waved her hand. 

Then nobody moved. Aditya was looking at them with a smile, waiting to see off his new friend. While Aarohi and Abhimanyu were waiting for him to go in so they can spend few minutes for themselves. Zoya looked between these awkward people as if they have grown two heads. She shook her head at Aditya.

‘He is the stupid one and calls me stupid…’ 

“Aditya come with me!” She ordered him holding his arm.

“Arre par… I am here to see him off…” Aditya explained. She looked at him in disbelief.

“Aarohi will do it… You come in…” She started to drag him with difficulty as he wasn't ready to budge.

“But…” He trailed off as she dragged him in.

“Zoya…” He whined and she looked at him. 

“I was there to see off Abhi…” He reasoned. She smirked at him and they entered the main door. 

“Someone wasn't even ready to come here… And now even seeing off the friend… Wow!” She teased while walking in the living room.

“Haan…” He started as they stopped walking. She looked at him while he didn't.

“Someone asked me till when I will keep escaping… So I am trying not to…” He spoke, rubbing his nape with a goofy smile. 

Zoya couldn't help but grin. It is working. Yes, it is working! Bringing him here is working.

“Zooyaaa….” Aarohi called as she came in. They both turned around to face her.

“Happy?” Zoya asked with a teasing smile. Aarohi punched her arm lightly making her chuckle.

“Wait here!” Aarohi stopped both of them and ran inside.  

Both looked at each other with confused expressions.

She came back and taking Zoya's hand, she  placed a key on it. Zoya looked at her and then at key bewildered.

“Key to your home…” Aarohi cleared her confusion, nodding at the key.

“It is all clean and fit to stay. I thought you are coming after so much time, so you would want to see it.” Zoya smiled.

“Thank you…” Aarohi scrunched up her nose in denial at her gratitude.

“Zoya?” Aditya called her and both of the girls looked at him.

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